Chapter 11: Teeth

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Trigger warning for briefly mentioned gore.


   This is a bad idea. I should never have let him inside; I don't even know why I let him in. One moment he was still outside, whining and sulking, and the next I was giving in, opening up the window for him to let him inside. For some reason.

      Now the two of us sit in silence, illuminated only by the blue light coming from the insert disk screen of the tv, and from the glowing green cat-like orbs still locked onto me. Seth hasn't moved from his spot on the couch since I let him in—or rather, he hasn't moved from Ethan's spot on the couch, technically. But I have no idea where the blonde has gotten off to, and for some reason I don't remember him leaving. But it's probably better this way anyway, I still don't want him meeting Seth.

   As I bring my attention back on the alien in question, I find that he seems just as lost in thought as I am. He seems to be carefully considering what to say, as if afraid one wrong phrase could get him kicked out again. I suppose that's true, I am on edge when it comes to him right now: I'm still trying to decide if this is a good idea or not.

   He seems to realise my eyes are on him once more, and he finally blinks his eyes slowly to ward off whatever he'd been thinking. Instead, he focuses them on me once more.

    "...Thank you..." He finally speaks up in a mumble. He looks at me with eyes that hardly come short of adoring. "It, it was growing cold outside.."

    I can't help but sigh, albeit more from discomfort than from any remaining sourness, and I divert my eyes from him, unable to hold his gaze. "Well, I can always kick you out with nothing but a blanket, so don't get too comfortable." I retort stiffly, for lack of a better response. "Just get to it, alright? I'd like to get to sleep sometime soon, so what did you want to talk to me about?"

    There's a sound of the couch creaking as he awkwardly shifts his weight, and when I look back, I find him leaning closer to me. I have to do a double-take, and I try to frown at him, but the expression is hard to pull as my gaze locks back onto his captivating one.

    "Joshua..." He murmurs, "I've missed you so much... You don't know how much I've wanted to see you again after all these years." His voice is thick as he speaks, and it's not hard to figure that he's holding back from saying something deeply emotional.

    As I see those brilliant emerald eyes start to grow watery, my heart catches in my throat; but even so, as he tries to move closer to me again, I still instinctively draw back from him. He notices, of course, and flinches somewhat, before repentantly cowering back like a chastised puppy. I'm almost shocked at how obedient he is, even if it goes against what he wants the most. What did he have to go through all these years for him to turn out like this..?

   My thoughts wander for only a moment as I worry about what might have happened to poor little Sundo while he was on his own, and in doing so, I unknowingly let my guard down. I don't notice at first when Seth tries to move forward again, and he must have taken it as a sign of giving in, because before I know it there's a weight pressing into my lap, and I'm gasping as I feel tight arms wrapping around me. My eyes grow wide and I try to worm out of the grip, but my back bumps sharply into the arm of couch, alerting me to being pinned. I have nowhere to go.

    Growling curses at him, I try to get him off of me, but he seems completely unaware of my distress and that he has me trapped. I have no idea when he thought crawling into my lap is okay, but once I just accept the fact that he did it anyway, I find myself surprised at his weight. Despite having a few inches on me, height-wise, he feels much, much lighter than me. His sitting on me isn't even uncomfortable, just slightly flustering and unsettling.

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