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It was everywhere, the news, the radio, all over YouTube and the internet blogs along with TMZ, and it was even being prepared for the upcoming magazines. My humiliation was a global phenomenon.

        I stayed in bed as long as I could, unable to believe how one little mishap at a club had made the news so fast. But of course I knew why. It was because of him. Being with Tripp Rivers had brought me into the spotlight. The whole country knew my name and if they didn't, they knew me as the "lucky winner," a title I had so unfortunately won.

Paige and my family all tried talking to me, but much to no avail. I was not going through with the whole thing. Tripp would just have to find a new winner to take to his mansion and that was final.

I lay in my bed under my covers, staring at the walls of my bedroom ahead of me. I liked to think of my room as my own personal cave. I absolutely detested any and all shades of purple, but when my family moved into my grandparent's old house when I was thirteen, that didn't stop them from giving me the "Purple Room"—really it was lavender, with lavender walls and matching carpet. I'd asked to paint my walls black, but my mother thought it was such a "demonic" idea, so I was forced to stay with my lavender walls.

But not for long, while I designed all of my furniture the shades of lime green and baby blue, my mother and I reached an agreement where I was allowed to cover my walls with art, be it pictures, drawings, or anything I found expressive.

So I had one wall devoted to drawings my friends from school made, another to photographs of my family and friends over the years, and the rest were mash-ups of posters of my favorite bands or musicians as well as words that I liked or defined me. My room was my sanctuary and when it came to hiding out from the world, it served me best.

I was listening to my phone, hoping the melodies of my favorite band would wash over me and cover up my dramatic life. I had been in bed all day, only getting out to shower and grab some breakfast. I had planned to spend the rest of the week that way, there was no use in trying to leave the house, they were still out there, ready and waiting to point and laugh at me.

I was mumbling the lyrics to one of my favorite songs when I felt someone shake my shoulder.

In one swift motion, I pulled my earbuds out of my ears and sat up in bed, pulling my covers from over me.

My mother was sitting on my bed. "Feel better?"

I still wasn't looking forward to stepping foot out of the house any time soon, but I did feel slightly better. Soon Tripp would be gone and I'd go back to being plain old Chloey Beckett, I couldn't wait.

"Yeah, I'm all right, I haven't been online all day or turned on the TV." I'd become a favorite for that of E! News and other TV programs that designated their time to worrying about celebrity lives instead of their own. What a myopic world we lived in.

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