Chpt. 1

376 10 1

'Forks High school.
What a miserable place. '

I'm thinking as I pull into the lot.
It's utterly rediculous that I'm being made to come here.
I've attended plenty of schools in my time, so what's this one got to offer?
A bunch of hormonal teenage boys?
Slutty teenage girls?

I climb out of my black range rover, locking it behind me.
Nearly everyone is staring like they've never seen a new student before.
I look at my watch, school starts in 20 minutes but I thought I'd come early for a parking space, turns out that there's about 15 spaces left.
But I need to get my schedule anyway so it's not all in vain.

I start the small journey to the front desk where I was told to get my schedule from.
I feel as of someone's staring at me, I mean most of the school are but this one's different, I'm getting an eery feeling as the eyes bore into the side of my head.
I whip my head round to meet a pair of striking amber eyes, a look of concentration on his face as he stares.
I smile slightly at him, he furrows his eyebrows and turns to speak to a guy with short curly blonde hair who looks equally baffled.

I turn away, about to continue my walk to get my schedule when I'm met with a short brunette girl with bright blue eyes grinning at me.

"Hi! I'm Natasha, you're new here right?" She beams.

Right, I want whatever she's took this morning.
It's barley past eight and she looks like she could knock down a small body builder with that energy.

"Yeah" I give her a slight smile.

All I want to do is get my schedule and get today over with, is that too much to ask?

"Well as your new, I was wondering if you wanted to sit with me and my friends at lunch?" She grins, pointing to a group of people behind her.

"Uh, I'm alright" I smile walking away to collect my schedule.

"Well, okay if you change your mind come and find me" she shouts to my retreating figure.

Once inside the building I walk toward the desk that has an old lady behind it.
Why in every school do they employ old women as receptionists?
So they don't need to pay them for long?
Or because no-one else will take it?

"Hi dear, how can I help you?" The lady asks.

"I came to get my schedule" I tell her, leaning on the desk.

"Name?" She asks, ready to type it in to her computer.

"Tara Callan" I tell her, looking around the room, the schools quite small compared to ones I've been to before.

"Here you go dear, get this signed by every one of your teachers and bring it back at the end of the day, it's just to make sure you've done alright in your first day" she smiles handing me my schedule, and the little slip I need to return later. I take a step away from the boy who just came up to the desk as he was way too close to me for my liking.

"Thanks" I smile walking out and towards the locker she assigned me.

I shove my bag into my empty locker, no doubt about it that it will be full by the time I leave here later.

I pull my schedule out my pocket, scanning it to see I have English with Mrs Smith first, I really hope she's got my files from my last English teacher because I seriously don't want to re-do anything that I've already completed. Even if she has gotten my files she'll still probably make me re-do them so I'm in sync with the rest of the class when in actual fact, I've done more English classes in my time than they will in they're entire life.

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