Beeba feeva

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It's okay :)
She must have done something pretty bad for you to send her that message

I literally can't even.. She's such a hoe

Yeah.. I highly recommend you don't give blowjobs at school...

Soz I dont talk to strangers so bye.

Well we don't have to be strangers :)
Why don't we start with names

No ew
I don't know you

You sure you don't?

Did I stutter? I do not..
Buh bye

Jeez I'm only asking for your name not your vagina

Okay first of all... GROSS
Second.. My name is Holly May, now VAFFUNCULO (a/n: which is a word you should know if you speak Italian 😉)

Aww like the month

Yeah it's funny also cuz my bday is in May


And you're still a stranger wtf :(
What's YOUR name

Hehe I'm Justin

Hey Justin
Bieber lol

You like Justin Bieber?

Yes I love his music

Pfft really

I do!


Okay okay, he's really really really really really really hot too

Missing any more reallys there?

A couple
What's it to you anyways?

I bet you love him cause your friends do

Nope actually.. my friends hate him
I had to go to one of his concerts alone :(

But why do you honestly like him?
Real talk now

Okay then..
He looks like a very interesting guy tbh.. like I hear his songs and stuff and they have like a lot of meaning ya know? if I had the chance to ask him about them I'd be super duper happy! like I love his looks and stuff but his personality is the ultimate best. I watch a lot of YouTube so I see videos of him most of the time.
And he's really hot

Really really hot?

We've been through this

Well looks like some one has Bieber fever

Nah not rly

How old even are u

I can't believe I'm telling you but ..
I'm 12


I'm 18
Nearly graduating

That's cute
I'm 22

Is it just me or do you have the same name AND the same age as Justin Bieber?

Its just you

K den

Where u from

I'm from Italy originally
But In actual fact I live in LA

Me tooooo


Where in LA?

Right near Calabasas

That's cool
Do you get to see the Kardashians?

Lol yeah from time to time.
I remember seeing Justin Bieber walking like across the street from my house at the traffic lights

Where was that?

By the Park, walking out of that new Surf shop

The one on fifth Street? The LA surf shop?

You know it?

Yeah a bit
Haven't been in a while



Well I saved you on my phone as Fake Justin lol

And I saved you on my phone as Holleh May the month

Mines better



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