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Watup y'all what's good?


holly mays p.o.v

So we're on the jet now and we're about to take off. Wow so many things have happened here in Germany. And I wouldn't want to change that at all. I hope Italy goes well though, it's the last place he's touring then we get back to LA then it's Christmas, then New Years.

This tour has been like amazing. I never knew that I'd be this lucky?!

"What are you thinking?" Justin chuckles

I look at him, smiling. I shrug

"Looks like you were thinking about me." He smirks

"Lol no, I was thinking about something else."

"Whatevs holster." He jokes and I playfully roll my eyes

"We're about to take off now so you can get ready for a 5 hour flight." The pilot announces

Justin and I buckle up and I put my phone on airplane mode.

"Good night." I say to Justin and get comfortable in my seat.

"No don't sleep." He says shaking me so I don't get tired.

"So what do you want me to do?" I ask sitting up

"Oh I'd want you to do so many things right now but you can't so, let's talk." He shrugs

I laugh, "nasty man!" and he laughs too, "what do you want to talk about?"

"Why you bashed out on me." He simply said

Oh god no


"Go on."

"Well I was at the bathroom and I saw Sofia and Sahara."

"Why are they here?" He asked laughing a bit

"I'm asking the same thing." I laugh

"But why did you get mad at me if they were just here. Like did they say anything?"

"They said a lot of things Justin." I chuckle


"Uh hum. Okay so, Sofia doesn't think we're friends," he gives me a confused look, "she thinks we're like more." Then he nods

"But we aren't really just friends." He points out

"Yeah, but how does she know that?" I laugh

He shrugs and leans on his seat.

"Then Sahara said something about a, fuck list?"

Justin gives me the same look once again then laughs, "fuck list? The fuck is that?"

"Don't know don't care, doesn't matter now."

"Yeah it doesn't matter, but I'm just telling you holls, please don't bash at me when you don't even know the truth."

"Okay I'm sorry Justin, I won't do it again."

"Then we'll get along really well." He smiles and I smile back.

"What are you doing for Christmas?"

"Just with family, you?"

"Dunno, Netflix? Christmas movies?"

"That's boring."

"What else am I supposed to do? Swim? Go to a club?" I say sarcastically and he chuckles.

"Well where are your parents?"

"Still in New York." I shrug trying not to look hurt

"Well did they at least get you a present?"

"Yeah. They got me an iPhone 7"

"What?! Where is it?"

"At home." I shrug

"Why are you not happy?"

"I am but like its so much work signing in iCloud and downloading shit."

"Well it's worth it."

"Haha, yeah. You should upgrade too. I mean come on, you're supposed to have a better phone than me." I laugh.

"It really doesn't matter but my upgrade isn't ready yet. Have to wait for like 3 months." He sighs

"Shame." I laugh

"iPhone 6's are great though." He says

"Yeah but they're so 2016."

He give me a look, "it's still 2016."

"Yeah that's why I'm still using my iPhone 6 in 2016 then in 2017 I'll use my iPhone 7."

"That's actually a fantastic idea." He laughs

"Right?" I laugh

"It's so weird in about 3-4 days we'll be back in LAX saying our goodbyes."

"Geez you're making it sound like we'll never see each other again." I chuckle

"Yeah but I'll never see your face everyday."

"We'll make plans." I say

"Speaking about plans, for New Years were not going to Malibu anymore."

"Well then where are we going?"

"Out of the state."

"You joking right?" I laugh

"Nope, so tell Charlotte now before she freaks out."

"No but tell me where we're going first."


"Mississippi." I guess




"I'm bad at guessing just tell me."


I gasp, "Miami? Why?"

"I have this pool side thing I have to attend."

"That's so cool."

"Didn't you check my Twitter?"

"No lol."

"Oh well too bad then. But you have to come, I don't want to be alone."

"I will,"

"And tell Charlotte."

"I will."

"Gonna be lit."

"Hell yes."

He winks and I laugh. I yawn and sink in my seat.

"Now goodnight Justin."

"Night babes." He says letting me sleep.

Last country of the European tour. Let's hope this country treats us better than the last one.

But let me stop thinking I'm tired as fuucckkk.


It's 2017!! Yayayaya.

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