01. A Regualar Day In Christiana Hall's Life

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Hey everyone. The first chapter is here! For starters, let me tell everyone that this story would majorly be in the guy's POV. The girl's POV are only going to be fillers. Also, the picture above is Emma Watson's who plays Christiana Hall. That's how I imagine Christiana to look like. So anyway, here's the chapter. I hope you enjoy reading it just as much as I enjoyed writing it.

The video above is a trailer made by ClauJor4ever  for this book.

"If the whole world was watching, I'll still dance with you, drive highways and byways to be there with you."

Christiana's POV:

"Why can't I date him?", said my annoying friend Alex for the thousandth time. We were currently sitting in our English class writing an essay on 'What love means to me?'. I mean seriously 500 hundred words on this topic? What am I supposed to say? I don't have anything good to say anyways.

'Love is strange. I think love is slightly selfish. People love even though they know that they are capable of hurting the same person they think they love. Love is like that chemical that soon turns toxic and makes everything around it toxic. What is the exact definition of love? As Wikipedia says: Love is a variety of different feelings, states, and attitudes that ranges from interpersonal affection to pleasure. It can refer to an emotion of a strong attraction and personal attachment. It can also be a virtue representing human kindness, compassion, and affection—"the unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for the good of another"

I wrote as I absentmindedly spoke, "Alex, I don't know why you can't date him. Try the fact that he doesn't know you exist?"

"But Christiana... I really think we two are made for each other." Alex whined. I rolled my eyes as I wrote

'But is that definition actually true? Is it actually as selfless as people make it to be? What if they are unintentionally hurting their loved ones? I think love is only what others make it out to be. Reading love stories, seeing romantic movies etc. has enabled people to view love in a way that it isn't. It is just a summation of thoughts and interpretations.'

"Alex, how can you be made for each other when he doesn't even know you? And what do you even see in him?" I whispered in an exasperated voice. I glanced at Mrs. Williams, our ruthless and rude English teacher, only to notice that she was engrossed in an old historical romance. Oh look, a sitting example of what I have been writing for the last thirty minutes.

"Have you seen his eyes? You could get lost in that ocean. Have you seen that hair and his jaw line?" Alex fangirled.

'Loving something and being 'in love' are completely different. How will I come to know whether I am 'in love' or not? I do know that I love my family and my friends. I don't know what actual love is. I've seen people who were in love; destroy everything for the sake of love. People say that God has planned for two people to meet and fall in love. But the truth is, there is no God and thus there is nothing such as love or destiny. I do know that love makes one susceptible to one's own thoughts. I do know that it is something I won't be getting into, for a long time.'

With those final words, I completed my essay. I turned to my friend and said, "You won't ever be able to date Alex Pettyfer, Alex. Get over it. Just because you both happen to have the same first name doesn't mean anything." I rolled my eyes again and grumbled.

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