02. A Regular Day in Kris Watson's Life.

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Hola people. I am back with a hopefully improved update. I hope everyone likes it and haves an amazing day ahead! The picture above is of Logan Lerman who looks like Kris Watson in every way I though him to. Also, I've decided to alternate between the girl's POV and the guy's POV. Without further ado, here's the new chapter.


Vital lives are about action. You can't feel warmth unless you create it, can't feel delight until you play, can't know serendipity unless you risk.~Joan Erickson


Kris's POV:

London, as always, was overcast by a mass of dark clouds. It was raining like cats and dogs. No matter the month, it always rained in London like crazy. It was freaking October and it was raining like there was no tomorrow. I could also hear the faint rumbling of the grey sky above, signaling the forthcoming of heavier rains.

Thank you for that, Zeus. That's exactly what we needed.

I was walking towards school when the God of Sky had decided to bless us with this depressing weather. When I had tried to take my Black Range Rover to school, the old, second hand lady had refused to listen. It gave up on me. Turns out the overheated engine will take one bloody week to get fixed. This was enough to darken my mood. On top of that Ethan and Nathan had decided to choose this very day to leave early for school and make a stop at the nearest Starbucks. My school was two blocks away from my home and walking took time.

I hiked up the good of my grey hoodie a little further and increased the volume of my headphones, Ed Sheeran blaring through my headphones. What? Can't guys listen to Ed? He is a decent singer.

'The worst things in life come free to us', Ed Sheeran sang.

"Don't I know it, mate?", I muttered to myself as I reached school. People were swarming in and out of the school gate and the corridors were crowded. I made my way silently towards my Physics class trying to get the least attention possible.

My second period of the day, Maths, had just got over. I had a study hall right now. It was then that I saw the two idiots walking towards me for the first time today. Ethan and Nathan had finally decided to grace me with their jolly auras.

" So.. you two arses finally remembered that you had a best friend who had to walk 20 minutes in the rain?", I fake grumbled and pouted at the twins. Yes, the two idiots were twins. Ethan and Nathan Fernandez were the pranksters of our school. If you see anything out of the ordinary happening around you, the little shits are to blame. From pouring paint over a teacher to planting a fart bomb on the teachers seat, the two idiots were involved. They were also adored by girls and went through girls like tissue papers.

"Aw, Krissy poo..", they both started to speak together. Yes, they did that often which freaked out people to no extent. F***, Krissy poo? Then they both looked at each other and started to bicker like the idiots they were.

" Why do you always do that, you dumbass?", Nathan scolded his other half.

"You are the one who always does that. You keep copying my words like a freaking mirror. Treat your elder brother with respect!", Ethan retorted back.

"You little shit. You are just seven minutes older", the other idiot fired back.

I quickly cut in, knowing that this was capable of lasting a whole hour. Don't even ask about it. I had to go through one hour of useless bickering hosted by the Fernandez twins, along with a lot of curses in Latin thrown in between. Yes, Ethan and Nathan are part Latin.

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