Chapter 1

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The man was about 6' 4". Black hair, ice blue eyes. Very contrasting features. He was like a stalker. Casually looks over, keeps the gaze too long, turns away when you notice. But he was different. He didn't look like he wanted hurt me, it was more gazing over to make sure I'm still sitting on the wall and lingering to remember my facial structure. Which he will remember. I personally think I'm the prettiest thing that has graced the earth. Beautiful red curls, symmetrical face with bright green eyes and long dark lashes. I can see why he was staring.
Back to my stalker. Finally after 15 minutes of the back and forth of staring, I gave up ignoring it. I got up and strode confidently towards him. As I got closer, it became clear I had seen this man before. I saw him in every place I had stopped on my way here from Maine. I walked confidently and I saw his face change as he saw me. His face softened and his lips turned into a soft smile. I don't know why, but it made me mad that he was smiling. When I was right in front of him, I whispered in his ear, "Who are you and why are you following me? Answer me or I shoot." I pulled my pistol from my jacket and pressed it against his stomach.
"Whoa baby, why so aggressive? I'm Lucas Liy. And I'm following you because you're my mission. Well, a personal mission. It's hard to explain. I'm in love with you. I think."
That made me pull back. "What? You're in love with me? I mean I can see why, but.. why?" He scoffed.
"I'm not in love with you for that," he gestured up and down, "I'm in love with you for this, and this." He lightly touched my temple, then my lips.
What the hell does he mean.

Lucas' POV
Her face is as perfect as mine. Her mind is strong and creative. And her mouth is outspoken. I don't know her yet but I will. All I can think about is how perfect we will be together. We will be the power couple of the century. I can't help but wrap my arms around her waist and lean in to kiss her. At my gesture she puts her arms around my neck hesitantly as I slowly move my head closer. I'm all too aware of the slight tenseness of her shoulders and hesitation to lean in close. Is she as attracted to me as I am to her? She's moving. What's she doing? Is she uncomfortable? I shift to a looser grip on her. She tenses up, I pull her in again hoping that's what she wants. I was right. She relaxes and leans into me, pressing her beautiful body against my chest, making eye contact. After what felt like ages she looks down and bites her lip. Closing her eyes she leans in...
Allyssa's POV
I panic as he slowly puts his arms around my waist. His face is coming closer and closer. What do I do? I can't kiss him! I think to myself. I'll-I'll just kill him. That's what my parents do. It's not that hard. Why can't I? I start to wrap my arms around his neck and move my head up. His lips are about to touch mine. I start to bring my gun closer to his head when he moves. Fuck. I tense up, hoping he didn't realize what I'm doing. But he pulls me close again. I relax, and lean in. The closer I am the easier this will be. I look up at him, those eyes-No. I can't do that. Gotta get rid of him. I look down and take a deep breath. I bite my lip and close my eyes preparing myself for this. Right as I open my eyes he starts leaning in. This is my chance. I press my gun against his temple--and shoot.


I'm ok. I'm okay. I am okay. I have to be. God damn it Allyssa pull yourself together! It feels like I'm not myself. I see him being carried off by paramedics. I turn and see a woman who was looking straight at me. She smiles, winks then walks quickly away. Could it mean something? I have to follow her. The gunshot replays in my mind as I look around and walk-almost running after her. I just did that. Oh my god I just killed a man.

As I turn the corner I see her entering a password on a keypad to a door labeled EMPLOYEES ONLY. I have to memorize that pass code. Her first attempt was wrong. She's not an employee either. Good to know. I can hear the tones of the numbers being pressed. A low A , then a high C, B, Low C. 1957. She gets in. I wait a moment, and type in the pass code. It's wrong. The 5 is the wrong tone. Too low. I try 1967, and I'm in.

As I walk in, I see her turn quickly around, she was looking through the file cabinet. As soon as she sees me her face relaxes, the opposite of what I thought she was going to do.

"Oh it's just you. I didn't think you would follow me." She says calmly. I recognize that voice. But from where? "So are you going to ask what I'm doing in here? Or do I have to tell you myself?"

"Oh--Right. What are you doing in here?" I ask. And where do I recognize your voice from? I almost ask. She laughs, and turns around to keep looking through the cabinet. What is she looking for? Within minutes, she finds a file and pulls it out.

"This-is your file. Yes, yours. It has every known detail about you," She puts it down in front of me, "Go ahead, look through it." She gestures toward it. The folder seems to have a million papers, with no particular order. I slowly open it, all the papers seem to fall out and become even more disorganized than they already were. All the papers are forms, filled out, but then blacked out. All of them but one.

My birth certificate.

"This isn't supposed to exist...." I whisper to myself. "Where did you get this?"

"Don't ask me I didn't know that was there." She looks as surprised as I am. 

I look down at it, and see my name, Allyssa... Allyssa Wiseton. Born to May Anderson and Grant Wiseton on the Third of November Nineteen Ninety Nine. "Who-who's May Anderson and Grant Wiseton?" I look up at her, her face is soft. 

"Your parents," she says softly, "No one important." She stiffens and tells me to get to the hospital.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2018 ⏰

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