Chapter two of edited version

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Here's the next chapter, told from Ryan's POV. This will be the last chapter I post on here, but I will let you all know when it's finished and available for purchase. Is there anyone who can make a new cover for me? Send me a pm if you can


                                                                                Chapter two





Those were the three thoughts that raced through my mind when my eyes met those of the girl from my English class. The first two were from my wolf, the third from me. My wolf didn't actually speak, but I could get general thoughts from him. I hadn't actually expected to ever find my mate; I knew it was rare to for that to happen. I had no idea what to do now that I had found her. I could ask my mom, but that might be a little awkward.

When she finally looked away, I took a deep breath and her scent hit me. It was a wonderful mixture of something sweet and something flowery. Since I was a guy, I had no idea what kind of flower she smelled like, but I think the sweet part was vanilla. I watched as she took in the rest of my face and she sighed. I wanted to ask her what she had sighed about, but the voice of another male distracted me. "Always so graceful, Sammy," a guy said as he passed her to throw his trash away.

I barely resisted the urge to growl at him. I didn't like the fact that another guy knew my mate well enough to have a nickname for her. Samantha rolled her eyes at him. "Shut up, Charlie. It's not my fault the Hulk here was hiding around the corner."

I shivered slightly as her voice washed over me even as I smirked at her nickname for me. "Not my fault you're a shorty," I replied.

Her eyes widened slightly when I spoke and since I was still holding onto her arms, I felt her shiver as well. My smirk grew when I realized I affected her, but a scowl replaced it when the other guy planted himself beside her. He eyed me warily but with a determined look on his face. "Is there a reason you're still holding onto my sister?"

I immediately relaxed at his words. Now that he'd said it, I could see the resemblance. Same blonde hair, though his was a bit darker, and same green eyes. "Just making sure she doesn't run into anyone else," I replied before reluctantly letting go. I bent to scoop up the garbage she had dropped and turned to chuck it into one of the trash cans. Then I turned back to my little mate. "Did you hurt yourself when you ran into me?"

She narrowed her eyes slightly but shook her head. "No, which is amazing considering how solid you are. Is your father part mountain, by any chance?"

A smile tugged at my lips. If only she knew what my father had really been. "No, but he was a big guy as well."

She tilted her head. "Was?"

I nodded. "He died when I was ten," I stated, ignoring the pain that always came when I said that.

Her eyes became sad, but she didn't offer me pity. "That sucks. Our mom died two years ago."

The pain in her eyes was so evident that I couldn't resist reaching out and squeezing her hand. "I'm sorry to hear that." The bell rang before she could say anything else, and I growled low in my chest at the interruption. "Where's your next class?"

"I have Gym next," she replied.

"I have Science, not that that really matters," Charlie said sarcastically.

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