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"Kansas!" she screeches. "This better be some type of twisted joke because I am not moving to Kansas!"

Her mother grimaces at her daughter's screams. "I'm sorry, Hayden, but you had to have seen this coming. I mean, David and I are married now. Married people don't usually live across the country from each other."

"Why can't David move here? I'm sure he'd be much happier here than in Kansas." Hayden stresses the name of the state, using a disgusted tone to spit the six letters out.

"Sweetheart, that's not going to happen. We're moving at the end of the summer and that is final," Evelyn demands.

Hayden crosses her arms over her chest and stomps her foot defiantly, her chin tilted up towards the roof of the penthouse apartment she's lived in for years. "Well then I'm not going with you. I am not moving and that is final."

Her mother sighs. Why must Hayden be so difficult? Sure, New York may be glamorous, but Kansas has its perks too. At night they'll actually be able to see the stars rather than air pollution. The food is nice and fresh because it's grown right down the street. The people are friendly and won't scream at you if you try to cross the street. Why doesn't Hayden understand this? Why must she only focus on the negatives?

"If you choose to stay, you will be cut off. No credit card, no trust fund, no car service, no private school, no anything. Make your decision and choose wisely. Either come with your family or stay here and be homeless. It's up to you."

Hayden's jaw drops. Would her mother actually do that to her? Yes, she decides, Evelyn would. Evelyn has always been one to get her way, no matter how she has to do it.

Stamping her foot like a child throwing a tantrum, Hayden gives into her mother's threat. "Thanks for ruining my life!" she screams as she runs up the stairs to her bedroom.

My life is over, Hayden thinks to herself. My life is seriously over.

How will she tell her friends? Who will she coronate the new queen bee of her prestigious private school? How will she make sure she's remembered as more than just the poor soul that was dragged to Kansas of all places? What will happen to her and Brandon?

* * * * *

On the final day of school, Hayden reigns the hallways for the last time. All her adoring servants fawn over her, telling her how much they'll miss her and how sorry they are for her situation.

She crowns one of her two favorite groupies, Amber Vargas, the new queen of their clique.

Brandon assures her that they'll make the long distance thing work. They can FaceTime every night and text all day long. It'll be like nothing has changed, except they won't be able to touch each other, which Brandon wasn't all that excited about. He even says that he'll visit her whenever he gets the chance, not that Hayden can imagine a reason he'd actually want to come to Kansas. Even she wasn't worth it, and that's saying something.

As the summer ticks by, Hayden tries to make the most of her limited time left in the city that never sleeps. She goes to parties with her friends nearly every night, spends every second possible with her beloved boyfriend, and is at home for as little time as she can manage.

But alas the summer ends and Hayden says her final goodbyes and I-love-yous and climbs in her mother's car to start the journey to her new home.

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