Epilogue- 4 Years Later

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⠀⠀Wyatt lifts his hand to his face and swipes sweat off his forehead, finally just deciding to lift his shirt up to use it as a rag and wipe the perspiration from his face. The heat of the summer is making its way into Kansas, and he can already feel it beating down on him as he cleans up the stable after a day of horseback riding lessons.

⠀⠀"You finally got your ranch," an all too familiar voice says with a tinge of awe. "I knew you would."

⠀⠀He turns around to see a face that, although he has not seen it in person in four years, goes through his mind every day. She's slightly older looking now in a more mature way. She's dressed sophisticatedly, a hot pink sleeveless dress hugging her chest and hanging loosely at her waist paired with a black clutch and matching heels.

⠀⠀"Haven't you learned not to wear shoes like that around here, Hay?" Wyatt asks.

⠀⠀She laughs under her breath and steps farther into the stable, while he takes a seat at a picnic table. "I came right from work and didn't think to change shoes. I almost sank in the dirt getting here from the parking lot."

⠀⠀Hayden walks closer to Wyatt, her legs between his. She places her hands on his shoulders, and he puts his on her waist.

⠀⠀"You got a job?" he asks, pulling her even closer to him. He almost can't believe that she's really here. He needs her to be close for him to be sure.

⠀⠀She nods. "I have an internship with an interior designer."

⠀⠀He smiles. "That sounds perfect for you."

⠀⠀"It is, but the problem is that it's in New York, and you're here," she says. "Why'd you never visit me?"

⠀⠀He shrugs. "I was working. You never came back here either."

⠀⠀"I didn't really think I had any reason to. We broke up. My mom got divorced, so she and my brother are back in New York. Jessie and Dustin came every year," she explains.

⠀⠀"Did you see their baby?" he asks. "Bella is already Dustin's little princess."

⠀⠀Hayden nods. "Are you guys still as close as you used to be?"

⠀⠀He shrugs. "He has a family now, so it's harder to—"

⠀⠀He's interrupted by Hayden pressing her lips against his. They linger there for a sweet moment. It's a moment both of them have waited four years for, and neither of them want it to end. They're not sure who pulls away first, but their foreheads end up pressed against each other, and Wyatt reaches up to tuck hair behind her ear.

⠀⠀"Please tell me that you still love me as much as I love you," she blurts. "Because I'm more in love with you today than I was the day I left. I thought that if I didn't see you for four years, I'd stop loving you. I thought that if I partied a lot, dove into my studies, and slutted myself out, I'd move on, but every day I missed you more and I wanted you more. I had the best time of my life in college, but now I want to be back with you, so if you say that you don't love me, I don't know what I'll do."

⠀⠀"I love you more than I'll ever be able to describe to you," he murmurs. "How could you ever think that I'd stop loving you?"

⠀⠀"I found a job in Kansas City, so it's an easy commute. I already shipped all my stuff here. I'm ready to come home," she says.

⠀⠀"You sure this is what you want?" Wyatt asks.

⠀⠀She nods her head, their foreheads rubbing against each other. "I've never been more sure in my entire life. I want my life to be with you, even if that means I have to live on a ranch in Kansas."

⠀⠀He reaches his hand into the front pocket of his jeans and pulls out a small velvet bag. He pulls on the top, opening it up, and dumps the contents into his hand. He holds up a ring made of white gold with a considerably sized diamond.

⠀⠀"I believe I made a promise to you," he says with a smile. "So, Hayden Willis, will you—"

⠀⠀She leans in and kisses him.

⠀⠀"Hay, you need to let me finish the question first," he teases.

⠀⠀"I got excited!" she squeals.

⠀⠀Wyatt stands up from his seat at the table and moves into a more open space, pulling Hayden with him. He gets down on one knee and holds he ring up to her. "Hayden, will you marry me?"

⠀⠀She nods her head, trying to fight back tears. "Yes!"

⠀⠀He slides the ring on to her finger and then scoops her up, spinning around a few times before putting her feet back on the ground and kissing her.

Hi! So, I've had this written forever and said I wasn't going to post it so everyone could create their own ending, but so many people have asked for a sequel that I decided it was best to just go ahead and post it. Hope you enjoyed it!

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