Chapter 25

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“Set Fire to the Rain”

2011 Copyright All Rights Reserved

Chapter 25

     Hope sat up stiffly in the chair when the door opened and two burly men walked into the room.  Joey had slit both her shirt and her bra; pulling it open so that her breasts were bare.  As soon as the men spotted her; their eyes instantly fell to her chest.  Never before had she ever felt so exposed and degraded in her life. 

     At that very moment she wished more than anything that she had the ability to crawl up inside herself and hide.  The way that they openly leered at her literally made Hope sick to her stomach. 

     They were twice her age for goodness sakes; both of them probably old enough to be her father.

     “Well, well, well,” the taller one with the army style crew cut drawled,  “Where have you been hiding all of my life?”

     Hope turned her head and purposefully adverted her gaze; refusing to even acknowledge the man.  She hunched her shoulders over in a poor attempt at hiding herself from his watchful gaze.

     “What’s wrong little girl?” He asked, bending down in front of her.  He tucked his finger under her chin and forcefully lifted her face so that she had no choice but to look at him. “Cat got your tongue?"  

     Hope glared at him.  His stony grey gaze was locked on her lips.  She could feel the animosity building in her gut.  If she hadn’t been restrained she would have clawed his eyes out with her bare hands.

     “Mmm, I wonder what it would take to get you to talk,” he said pensively.  “I wonder if I did this,” he said reaching out and tracing her jawline with the tip of his finger.

     Hope felt every muscle in her body tense.  Instinctively, she flinched back from his touch. 

     “Man, I don’t think you should be doing that,” the other man who was still standing off to the side remarked.  “Mr. Loggins was pretty specific when he told us to take her down to the main cell.”

     The man with the crew cut glanced irritably over his shoulder.  “Will you shut the hell up man and mind your own business.  She’s one of them; he doesn’t care what we do to them.”

     The other guy shook his head from side to side and stuffed his hands in his pockets.  “I don’t think so Gavin.  This one is different somehow.  I would bet my right arm that he would not be all that happy if he found out that you were messing with her.”

     “Psh,” Gavin snorted.  “This one’s to pretty to leave alone.  The greedy bastard probably just wants her all to himself.”  He turned back around and blatantly cupped Hope’s breast in his hands. 

     “Look at this Josh.  Have you ever seen a more perfect set of boobs?”

     Hope had all that she could take.  When the stranger touched her; something inside of her snapped.  It was like a switch had suddenly been turned on.  The man was still holding her breast, grinning and looking at his partner when she struck.  Rearing her head back; she slung it forward catching the man right as he was turning back around to face her.  Her head collided with his nose; causing an instant gush of red blood to flow freely from his face. 

     “You Bitch!” He jumped up and screamed.  He was holding his crooked nose while eyeing her out the corner of her eye.  “Oh, you’re going to pay for that one little girl,” he promised her.  “You’re going to pay good too.” 

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