Chapter 8

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Chapter 8:

"Wait why would you lie and tell him you lived somewhere else?" Nancy asked as we both leaned up against the counter for break.

"I had to lie, I don't want him to look at me differently because of where I live."

"Honey, if he looks at you differently then he is certainly not a keeper, but I think this guy might actually be the one for you." She smiled bumping me in the hip with her own.

"I dont know Nanc, you say that about every one."

"But im certain this time!"

"Allow me to remind you, you thought that one guy was the one and swore I would marry him, what was his name, Kevin?" I laughed thinking about the guy who wouldn't leave me alone and had a weird obsession with birds.

Nancy's face twisted itself up into a frown as she recalled the dreaded memory I had placed before her.

"I was kidding about Kevin, he was well, different. Jay isnt honey he seems like a sweet fellow."

"I guess, but he kind of seems like he's hiding something."

"Yea, maybe a whole different life like you are."

"I'm only hiding the fact of where I live, it's not like I have some secret idenity."

"By hiding something like that, it's creating trust issues early in a relationship."

"Whoah Nancy slow your roll, I've known the guy for about a week lets not jump to being in a intimite relationship."

"Yea, but you like him. Don't you?"

"Isn't it time we get back to work, our break was over awhile ago." I laughed trying my best to turn this conversation in a differnt direction.

"No, i'm sure the manager won't mind." She winked.

"Now what kind of a manager would allow her employees to slack off?"

"Me sugar pop, now answer my question or I won't have you get paid for this long break we're taking."

"Oh please Nanc, you know you love me."

"That I do, now spill!"

"Ughhh fine, I think I-"

"Hey Shay." The boy we were talking about said as he came through the propped open door.

"He's so cute! And look at that butt Shaylee mmm i'd like to pinch that."

"Nancy!!" My mouth fell wide open as the word dropped from her mouth, loudly as I might end!"

"What i'm just saying honey, if you dont get at that I might have to break out my push up bra in the back of my drawers from my younger days."

"I can't believe you're the age you are." I mumbled greeting Jay at the door.

"Age is just a number when you're young at the heart!" Nancy yelled as she swung the dishrag over her shoulder and exceeded back into the kitchen to serve the hot plates to the costumers.

"What was that all about?" Jay questioned.

"Ohh umm nothing just my crazy boss. What can I do for you today?"

"Well..." Jay said wiggling his eyebrows up at me in a flirty way.

"Jay.. I'm serious."

"So am I! Alright fine im just here to grab a bite to eat, hoping I would get the chance to see your beautiful face."

"Aww shucks." I laughed as I grabbed a menu and seated him in the front stools.

"I'll be back in a little to take your order." I smiled as I walked off to go refill drinks for the costumers.


"That food was so delicious! Hey while i'm still here let me take you home." It was currently dark now and we had just closed up the cafe since it was my turn to close up, I told Jay he could leave but he insisted to say to make sure I got home ok. He claimed we had to many creeps in our area and he would make sure no one bothered me at this late hour.

"Are you sure, I mean I dont want you to have to keep taxing me around."

"Nonsense love, lets go."

"I dont know Jay, I can walk."

Before I could say anymore my legs were swimped out from under me and I felt the cold wind hitting my feet as I realized Jay's toned strong arms were carrying me as he ran me to his car.

"Jay what are you doing?" I laughed as he opened his passenger door and placed me inside while buckling me in securely.

"Making sure you get home safe my lady." He leaned over and kissed me on my cheek and I swear i've never felt such a huge warm sensation wash over me.

His eyes darted to mine, as all seriouness took over us the space in the car felt as if it was shrieking with each moment that passed. I licked my lips as his eyes travled down to them and then back up at my eyes. His hand came out and gently lifted my head further up as the pad of his thumb traced over my bottom lip. I closed my eyes as the moment took hold of me, I could almost feel his lips touching mine.

"72 bottles of beer on the wall, 72 bottles of beer. You take one down pass it around 71 bottles of beet on the wall!" We both jumped away as, a drunken guy stumbled down the street as he tripped over his own feet and landed on the pavement, which didn't stop his theme song going on.

"Ummm it's getting late I should take you home." Jay mumbled as he rubbed the back of his neck im regret and closed the door.

I know it may sound pathetic but when he closed the door, it felt like he had closed the door right on my heart.


A/N: Hi guys, this chapter is some what of a filler. I might upload again tomorrow because I was suppose to put more in this chapter but I changed my mind and decided to leave it like this! Hope everyone's weekend is going good!

Xoxo-  Midnight_Writer97

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