Chapter 13

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Chapter 13:

"Are you scared?" I asked Jay as we laid on his bed.

"I get nervous going in, you never know if you'll be coming back out, but I trust the rest of the troops that have become like brothers to me to have my back like I have there's."

"What's the scariest thing that has happened to you?"

"Watching my best fried die, there was another time where me and my guys were walking and one decided to go ahead of us and he stepped on a mine. He ended up blowing off his legs and almost didnt make it through the night of surgery."

"Gosh I couldn't even imagine Jay, that's terrible." I was lost for words of what to say.

He was open a lot to it which surprised me, most guys that I've know that go into the military are very reserved.

"Do you not like talking about it?"

"Some things, no. I've seen a lot that I never thought I would see. There's things I've learned to block out and I just try to make myself forget it and then there's some events that I can talk about better than others. When I told you about watching my best friend die, that's a really hard one for me to get out. There's a lot of other gory things though that I might get defensive about and not open up to but ill try my best to answer your questions of what you want to know."

"If I ever hit a sore spot just let me know and ill respect it."

"I will, thanks for being so understanding." He gave me a small smile as he put his arm around my neck and pulled me closer to his body.

To think tomorrow night I won't be able to talk to him in person, or even kiss him makes tears well up in my eyes. I'm doing my best to be strong for Jay, he doesn't need to be worrying of how I'm coping here when he's out in God knows where with who knows what trying to take his life.

A shudder runs down my spine as I think about someone aiming a gun at him and firing without even thinking twice, without even knowing him or his family. Without knowing the man I can see myself falling in love with.

"You cold babe?"

"Umm yea, maybe a little." I lied trying to dismiss the way my body reacts thinking of not having a tender moment like this again.

He grabs the brown blanket next to him and drapes it over my body, even though I'm not cold the blanket provides comfort.

"What time will I have to take you to the airport tomorrow?"

"3:30 in the morning. Babe if you don't want to get up that early I can take a cab."

"Are you kidding, Jay ill be there every step of the way with you." I give him a small kiss on his full lips and lean my head back on his chest.

I rethink of how I took the news when he told me, at the diner.


"Shaylee I'm getting deployed tomorrow."

I had to have him repeat it one more time to me, since I thought I heard wrong.

The wind literally was knocked out of me, instead of finding air to fill my burning lungs, I found myself chocking on it. This can't be happening, he can't already be leaving. There's no way.

I looked like a fish out of water, as I closed my mouth and reopened it not sure if I was trying to talk or if I was trying to breathe again.

I think I heard Nancy gasp behind me and excuse herself to give us privacy but I'm not sure.

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