✙ Chapter 15 ✙

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This is my early Thanksgiving gift to you! I'm thankful for your support!! Eat a lot of food because I will be! And, cross your fingers because I'm giving a huge speech tomorrow! So, tell me what you think! Thanks for reading!

~ Lissa


Edited: 12/28/14

"Well, I mean, he's thought to be dead," Brody said, looking down at the picture of them in the old book on Drew's desk in front of us. When he had said that Caine was dead, it caught me off-guard. For a second, I actually thought I was crazy until he corrected himself by saying that he was thought to be dead. Didn't he realize there was a difference? I pushed away my anger at him for the scare and rubbed my forehead in frustration, looking at him. "He and his brothers are freaking old - it's believed that we descended from them hundreds of years ago. But, even though there's some evidence a-and this picture, people just consider them a myth nowadays."

"Why?" I questioned, folding my arms across my chest.

"Well, they're powerful," he answered, bluntly. I was still confused as to why I hadn't known about them; surely my father would've shared that piece of information. "But, God couldn't have created us because we shake the balance of life - you're supposed to live, then die when He chooses. But, that isn't the case for us; we're pretty much immortal." Werewolves decided when they wanted to die; they were capable of controlling their aging, among other things. "So, years and years ago, I guess someone found this picture - " he gestured towards the Volkov brothers in the book, " - and the 'myth' of how werewolves came to exist started with the three brothers: Caine, Ryker, and Ethen."

"Do you believe they're a myth?"

"Um, I don't know. . ."

"I'm not going to stab you," I said, rolling my eyes at his hesitation. He chewed on his bottom lip as I eyed the picture, curiously. "So, supposedly, they're the first werewolves - you descended from them?"

"Yeah, I guess," he responded, brightly. "You see, the myth goes that the brothers lived in a poor village, somewhere near the mountains. And, the brothers are completely different from each other." He pointed towards the one on the left who was almost squinting at the camera. "That's Ethen - he's believed to be the fairest and nicest of the three. He was also known to be very loyal and smart. Back then, people mostly sought him out to fix their problems rather than his brothers. He wasn't feared; he was trusted. And, he's the youngest, but people claim he was constantly cleaning up his brothers' messes."

Then, his finger shifted towards the brother on the opposite side. "And, that's Ryker - he's the scary one." His voice was quiet, nearly a whisper. "He's the one everybody watched out for. He was tempermental and impulsive; he was very cruel. He's the middle child."

"And, Caine? What about him?"

Brody hesitated. "He's the oldest. In the book, it talks about how he was known to be a leader and very skilled." Several thoughts were swarming through my head as I listened. "He was excellent at sword fighting; he spent lot of his time sword fighting with his father when he wasn't chopping down trees. He knew how to defend himself pretty well." His eyes flickered my direction and he made a sound with his tongue. "You think you saw him?"

"I know I saw him," I corrected, seriously. "Now, how did they become werewolves?"

"Um, apparently, the brothers left their home one night to meet some other boys," Brody started, slowly. "They weren't friends and I guess one of them said something that ticked off Ryker. Of course, he started swinging and Ethen joined in because - he always put his brothers first. Then, Caine got involved . . . long story short, Caine lost it and accidentally killed one of the boys."

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