✙ Chapter 37 ✙

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So, I can't express how many tears and tissues went on during this chapter! THIS ISN'T THE LAST CHAPTER - ONE MORE TO GO!! Hope you enjoy!

Oh, and listen to that song!! ---------------------------------------------->


Tears streamed down my cheeks as I stared at my father's body, seeing thick blood pool from the bullet wound in the back of his head. I kept the gun outstretched, trembling in disbelief. I just killed my father - I just shot the man who brought me into the world. There were cries of pain and screams coming from around me, though I couldn't hear them; my attention was focused on my father's motionless body. A large puddle of blood was forming by his head, stretching along the ground with each passing second. Sputtering for a moment, Noah rose to his feet, his green eyes widening at the sight of our father. He placed a hand on his chest, realizing he hadn't been struck - the knife was resting near his feet. Shakily, he turned towards me, seeing the tears falling from my eyes. "Nora," he said, stepping around the body towards me. "Hey, look at me."

I kept my eyes fixated on our father - our dead father. Hesitantly, Noah took the gun from my hands, dropping it to the ground. He grasped my shoulders and shook me, grabbing my attention. "Breathe, Nora," he commanded, quietly. A cry of pain filled my ears and I sniffled, frozen. I just killed a human; I was the worst of them all. Pinching his lips together, Noah pulled me into him, wrapping his arms around me. Slowly, I lifted my arms and slipped them around his waist, releasing a small cry. "Shh, it needed to be done - you saved me, Nora."

"I'm a murderer," I blurted, my bottom lip quavering. "I killed him - I've k-killed so many people. I'm a terrible person, Noah. I-I -" He pressed my face into his shoulder, a tear falling from his left eye. He pecked the top of my forehead, rocking back and forth on his feet. "I'm s-sorry - he's dead because of me! I just killed our father; this is all my fault. . ." He pulled away and looked at me, a pitiful expression appearing on his face.

"Nora, he was going to kill me," he said, shaking his head. "You didn't have a choice; it's going to be alright, I promise."

I glanced towards our father's body, sucking in a deep breath. "It shouldn't have came to this; none of t-this should've happened!" I gestured towards our surroundings where werewolves were launching at each other and few hunters scurried around, shooting silver bullets. Noah placed a hand on my shoulder and looked me in the eyes, seriously. "Listen, you need to stay focused, okay? The war is still happening; don't let your emotions get the best of you, not right now. We're in a life or death situation, Nora."

"But, I j-just - "

"Yes, I know," he interrupted, nodding. "But, if you don't get a hold of yourself, you're going to get killed." Another tear rolled down his cheek and he wiped it away with his thumb. He glanced over my shoulder, checking to see if any werewolves were sprinting towards us. "You still have to defeat Killian, remember?" Reminding me of my main purpose for fighting in the war, I cleared my throat and blinked away the tears. I couldn't show Killian that I was weak; I was strong. "You're going to be alright - I believe in you, Nora."

"Be careful," I told him, wiping away a tear. "And, kick some red-eye a*s." He grinned and nodded, releasing my shoulder. I glanced towards our father's body one last time as Noah squatted down, picking up the gun. Hesitantly, I whirled around and headed towards the worst part of the war where the majority of the bodies rested. Immediately, I found myself facing a red-eye, snarling with his nose covered in blood. Since I left my weapon with my brother, the only way to defend myself was using magic. But, instead of using fire, I decided to try something else; something that I hoped didn't backfire. Just focus, I thought, imagining in my head what I wanted to happen. Following that, I thought about everybody I cared about.

The Alpha's PossessionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora