Young guk

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You went into the living room, a pregnancy test in your hand. Yongguk, who was sitting on the sofa looked up with hopeful eyes. "What is it, baby?" A smile began to form on your lips as you whispered: "I'm pregnant"

He jumped from the sofa, run towords you and hugged you tightly. "I'm going to be a father", he nearly squealed. You giggle with tears in your eyes. "You are going to be a father", you repeated. He kissed your forehead, your cheeks and your lips. "We are going to be parents yeobo", he said quietly with a smile. His eyes sparkled like stars in the night sky. "I have to tell my parents", he said with excitement. You opened your mouth but nothing came out. His mother wouldn't be happy about those news.

From the first moment in which you met Yongguk's mother, you could already feel that she didn't approve of your relationship, even if she didn't say it. After 2 hours she then said it straight away as if it was nothing, but didn't made a try to make Yongguk break up with you. Even when you got married she said nothing, but would she react now?

Yongguk sat you down on the sofa and sat down next to you as well, his mobile phone in his hand. He hold your hand tightly, the happy grin still lingering on his lips as he dealed his umma's number and turned the speaker on.


"Hey umma", Yongguk said. "We have some great news!"

His mother chuckled at the excitement of his son. "What is it?"

"___'s pregnant!"

Now it was silent on the other line. "Umma?", Yongguk asked confused. His mother didn't answer. "Umma are you-"

"She is pregnant?! How did this happen- I didn't even thought you two would- She is not even korean! You know that I was against her in the first place but I was nice enough to don't tell her! Then you married her but I didn't say anything because I was so shocked and now she's pregnant?! Don't-"

"Umma please stop ___ is-"

"I should have known this would happen! Remove this baby, now!", the line went dead. Yongguk looked at you with wide eyes. He opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out. Your eyes filled with tears as you looked at the ground. You already knew that she was going to react like that, but it still shocked you.

"Yeobo I-"

You sighed and looked at him with sad eyes. "It's okay, I knew she was going to react like that", Yongguk grabbed your hand and hold it tightly. "I'll talk to her. And you have to come with me, is that okay?", he asked quietly. You nodded and watched Yongguk as he dealed the number of his father to inform him that you both would come over the next day. He also told his father with excitement that he was going to be a father soon too, because he knew that his mother wouldn't tell him.

Yongguk grabbed your hand and smiled at you before he knocked on the door of his parent's house. His father opened the door and greeted you both with a warm smile before he let you in, leading you into the living room. His wife sat on the sofa, reading a book. She didn't get up to greet you, she didn't even look up as you entered the room.

"Umma", Yongguk said with a smile and walked to her to give her a hug but she didn't hug him back. "Why are you here?", she asked with a stern voice. "We need to talk", Yongguk said and sat down next to her. You sat down next to him, showing that you weren't afraid of his mother. Yongguk's father sat down next to his wife.

"What is there to talk about?", she asked, not even putting her book aside. Her husband sighed but didn't say anything. "Umma, please look at me while I'm talking to you", Yongguk said. His mother put her book aside and looked at her son. "What is it now?", she asked. "Umma, just because ___'s not korean doesn't mean we are not allowed to have children", Yongguk began. His mother scoffed. "We love each other, it doesn't matter if she is korean or not", Yongguk continued. "Of course it does!", his mother said and eyed you angrily. You looked to the side and Yongguk grabbed your hand tightly. "If it matters so much then tell me one reason why it is so important", his mother opened her mouth but nothing came out. "I..", she tried to form a sentence but didn't continued. "That's what I thought", Yongguk said. His mother looked guilty at the ground and let out a sigh. "I told you so many times that cultures doesn't matter", she lifted her head and looked at you. "And here I am now, complaining that my son and his wife, who isn't korean, are getting a baby", she smiled sadly. "I'm really sorry", she lowered her head slightly. You looked at her in shock. What was happening right now?

"What really matters is that you are both happy", she continued. "And it was stupid trying to ruin your happiness", you smiled and looked at Yongguk who looked at you with the same bright smile. His mother lifted her head again and looked at you carefully. She smiled too as she saw you two smiling loving at each other. "I'm sure the baby will look absolutly beautiful, and it will have to most loving and caring parents", you stood up and went to your mother-in-law. You bent down and hugged her tightly, trying to hold in the tears of happiness.

"Thank you so much for accepting me", you whispered with a smile.

She smiled brightly and hugged you as well. "You'll be a wonderful mother"


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And thanks a loooot....

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