Chapter 9- So You're Leaving?

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Word count- 2115

"When's the wedding?" Kristen asks.

I shrug as she sits on my chair.

It's been a couple days since the party, and I'm back at work. I get bored at home and I see Damon more.

Speaking of Damon, I haven't even seen him ever since I came here. He's been in his office all day.

"Well am I invited?" I nod

"You can be one of the bridesmaids. Aubrey is one as well." I say and she smiles brightly.

I know she bought Evan to the party, but I don't think she knows about him. She must have met him at work for those two days he came.

"Yes! We have to go shopping! But you have to finalise a date for the wedding" she stands up

"I can't wait" she walks out of the room.

I stand up and walk out of the room, and towards Damon's office. I knock on the door and walk inside.

"Kristen I sai-" he looks up at me, and smiles slightly.

"Ella" he whispers

I look around him. Files everywhere, his hair messed, from the amount of times he has ran his hands through it.

I close the door and walk towards him, as he opens his arms.

I sit down on his lap as he wraps his hands around my waist, pulling me closer.

"Are you okay Damon?" He nods closing his eyes, and laying his head on my shoulder.

"I am now" he whispers, as I blush.

"Being serious. Is there something wrong?" He nods opening his eyes

"There's some problems with the shareholders in Italy. I need to fly there and sort the problem out. It's just financial problems, and few with the security. I have to go by tomorrow to sort it out, or else I'll lose a lot of angry shareholders" I nod

"For how long?"

"A couple of days only though" I nod smiling at him.

"You should go. I'll be okay Damon. I'll be home anyway, so go and come back. And make sure you buy something from Italy" he chuckles

"Are you sure?" I nod

"Yeah. I came to ask, when is our wedding date?" He smirks

"When ever you want" I nod

"I was thinking in two weeks? When you go to Italy, I could do some of the shopping for the wedding. I could book the caterin-" he shakes his head

"I want to do that as well, together" he says and I nod

"Okay, well I'll get my wedding dress, right? I really like the tradition of the groom not seeing the brides dress. Don't you think? And I already have my bridesmaids sorted. Kristen, Aubrey and if Hannah wants to be one as well" he nods

"But I want to see your dress?" He pouts and I shake my head.

"Nope. It's going to be a surprise. I'll be going tomorrow to buy it, after you leave" he nods.

"Can I get a kiss before I leave?" I nod

"Tomorrow. When you leave" he sighs

"Just kiss me now. Please?" I kiss his cheek, but he turns his face, and I quickly move my face backwards.

"Not again" I say and he nods

"Fine. Just stay here" he says

"And not let you work?" I get up

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