Mirror Theory

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So this is a theory about parallel universes. Parallel universes are something out their in the universe that not only exist within your own mind, but in everyone else's minds too. If you do not like parallel universes, or think the theory is stupid, I thoroughly suggest clicking out of this.

So the theory is that, on the other side of your mirror is actually another universe, that YOU and everyone you know is in. Basically what I'm trying to say is that, you exist in two different universes. But on the other side of the mirror, you might be different, or the things in your room might be different.

I bet you are asking, but why can't we get through our mirror? The reason is, the other you on the opposite side is blocking you from getting through, and you are blocking the other you from getting through. If you try to get through it doesn't work because obviously the other you does the exact same actions as what you are doing.

I hope this makes sense, please leave your comments and thoughts on this theory. Personally I'm not really sure if I believe this one or not.

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