Phineas and Ferb!

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Personally I think this theory is ridicoulous and WAY over thought, but If you like Phineas and Ferb (I do) and If you don't want your childhood ruined (I don't) click out. I promise you will want to click out.

So Candace, their older sister struggled from mental and psychological problems due to bad things happening. Phineas was bullied in school for being a genius, and one day a bully punched him SO hard it KILLED him. Obviously the bully got into trouble, but Candace had such a hard time dealing with his death, that she created an imaginary world that only exists within her own mind, where Phineas was still alive helping his brother Ferb, who had a speaking disability, to build things.

The reason Candace's mom NEVER catches Phineas and Ferb doing anything is that, well for the simple fact that's ITS NOT THEIR!!! It only exists within Candaces mind. Dr. Doofenschmirtz is actually Candace's psychologist.

So what did you think about this one? Weird right?

Conspiracy Theories [COMPLETED] Watty's 2016Where stories live. Discover now