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Skylar stepped out onto the deck of the Cloud Harbor interplanetary spaceport. A flood of memories filled his mind, as beads of sweat immediately began forming on his skin. His nose twitched slightly. He'd forgotten how distinct the smell of the docks was. The smell of teryleum fuel mixed with carbonized metal. His eyes squinted involuntarily in the scorching Haladrian sun. Everything looked just as he remembered. The multiple levels of steel-grated decks bustled with dockhands, most loading or unloading cargo from one of the many ships docked at the port. Ahead, the huge elliptical-shaped docks for receiving massive convoy ships lay empty. He spied station 47, one of the hundreds of winch station surrounding the dock. It was that same winch station he'd manned not long ago as an apprentice dockhand. The same winch station that had almost gotten him killed.

His gaze drifted out beyond the docks, and the harbor's control tower. Out to the wasted expanse of desert, which surrounded them in every direction. The desert. All he'd ever known growing up was the desert. It felt like such a desolate place to him now after living on the lush planet of Ahlderon.

He licked his lips. The moisture evaporated before his tongue returned to his mouth. Suddenly he was aware of the intense heat. How had he lived here? Had Haladras grown hotter in the year since he left for Ahlderon? He wanted to return to the relative coolness and shade of the Luna.

"Great Yurik, it's hot!" exclaimed Endrick before he'd even fully emerged from the ship. "That sun's going to roast us alive."

"That's because we're all dressed like outsiders," said Grüny. "Look at 'ya! Wearing a leather jerkin, leather pants, and tall boots—all as dark as pitch. You're just asking for the sun to burn you to a crisp."

"Grüny's right," said Skylar, "we need better garments while we're here. I didn't think to bring any of my old things. We can purchase some in Kaladra."

"That's assuming we don't become sun-dried carrion before we get there," said Endrick.

The trio briefly discussed a few details of their plans before Skylar and Endrick left to hire a transport. Grüny would stay behind to deal with any paperwork the port officers would require for the Luna to remain docked at the harbor, in addition to paying the mooring fee. After that, he would head into town to procure a few more supplies he felt they would need for the next leg of their journey.

In the meantime, Skylar and Endrick planned to make a quick stop in Kaladra before heading to his father's old dwelling. After all, that was the whole reason for their journey to Haladras. They sought information. Information, Skylar believed, that only his father's secret abode in the middle of the desert might contain.

The pair strode across the deck. Their boots clanked on the metal grating. The familiar sound stirred up a thousand memories in Skylar's mind from his days as an apprentice dockhand. That was a lifetime ago, another life. Or so it felt.

Despite his nostalgia, however, he warily watched for faces he recognized. His trip to his home planet was unannounced. If someone recognized him, he would be hard pressed to contrive an excuse. Haladras was far from en route to Kyndoo Yavi. Even now, he wore a co-pilots cap and visor to help shield is face from view. Once in Kaladra, he would procure a desert shroud to better disguise his face.

The dock bustled with people and ships coming in and out of port. Mostly smaller cargo ships. In the past few years, Haladras had grown indispensable to the empire. Spurred by the abundance of teryleum found deep below the planet's harsh crust, miners flocked to the planet in droves, establishing new mining units every week. With these miners came outfitters, welders, mechanics, drillers, geologist, surveyors, and suppliers of all kinds.

Skylar and Endrick walked up a plank to the main deck. Nearby a gang of dockhand loaded piles of crates onto a conveyor. Skylar forced himself to avoid eye contact with any of the hands. He might know any number of them. They were too busy to pay attention to stray passersby. Skylar understood this well. Once, this had been his task, to lift crate after crate.

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