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Skylar and Endrick approached the castle from the shadows. Its harsh form stood against the blood red sky like a great phantom, with its many amber eyes peering with menace into the darkness. Skylar shivered involuntarily at the sight of it. With every step that drew them closer to it, his confidence diminished. Not solely because of the threatening appearance of the castle. But because of the fresh memory it ignited within him. Fear that he might not escape again gripped him.

Inspite of his fears, he maintained his resolve to go through with his plans. A resolve he could not have matained without Endrick as his side.

The pair were better equipped than when they rescued Grüny. Wenna had been right about the value of the pendant. Endrick and Grüny had managed to sell it for a considerable sum. Sufficient to buy passage on a shuttle bound for Oon Vunda the next morning, with plenty left over to spare. They hadn't needed to sell the matching bracelet. This they saved to sell at another time, if needed. A sizeable portion of what remained from the transaction would be reserved for the purchase of Endrick and Skylar's passage, once that time arrived. Still, there was sufficient to outfit them with new clothes and gear. Each wore thick cloaks, with the cowls pulled over their faces. Hanging from their belts, shielded from view, were long daggers. Endrick also carried a grappling hook and cord-an item which Endrick had insisted they procure.

Between the pair, Skylar carried their most vital accoutrement. At least, so far as their success in stealing into the castle was concerned. Beneath his cloak, under the crook of his right arm, swayed a quarter rundlet of mead. A bribe for the gatekeepers, who they hoped would feel disgruntled at being left out of the festivities, as well as less vigilant because everyone of importance was currently away from the castle, attending the General's feast.

They stalked across the narrow bridge. The distant roar of the river far below them echoed in their ears, masking their footfall. Ahead, two bright torches cast an orange glow about the outer gates. As Endrick and Skylar glided from shadow to torchlight, a shout rang out from the somewhere above.

"Halt! Who trespasses at the castle gate?"

Endrick looked up in the direction of the voice, squinting.

"No one of any consequence," replied Endrick.

"Then get away from here. Unless you want a couple of bolts in your necks."

Endrick raised his hands defensively and took a small step backwards.

"Fine," he said. "We don't want any trouble."

He made as if to turn around. Then added, almost as an afterthought, "We had thought you might be interested in some mead, but..."

Shrugging innocently, Endrick motioned to Skylar for them to depart. Doing his best to act disappointed, Skylar followed Endrick's lead. They'd taken but two steps when the voice called back to them.

"Hold there!"

Endrick stopped and turned back.

After a few moments, the guardhouse door next to the gate creaked open. From its open mouth, two armed sentries strode out, crossbows leveled at the companions.

"What's the talk about mead?" growled one of the sentries.

In response, Skylar pulled back his cloak to reveal the miniaturized cask under his arm. The closest sentry jerked his crossbow at Skylar.

"What've you got there," he demanded.

At the sight of the cask, however, the two men relaxed a little. One of the sentries motioned with his head for the other to investigate. Lowering his weapon, the second sentry moved to follow the order. Unstoppering the cask, the sentry brought his nose up to the hole.

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