Worst Day Ever

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November's outfit for school

November's P.O.V

When I woke up I was covered in my blood and sadly it brought back the memories from last nights beating. It was one of the worst I have ever gotten. Just because I was 30 minutes late from school, it better not happen again today. 

I struggled to stand, let alone walk up the stairs to my room. But, I needed to get changed from these bloody clothes and get ready for school. I am not allowed to skip school, my father never calls the school to tell of my absence, so I can't stay home.

I saw myself in the mirror, which I rarely do because I don't like to look at my hideous face. My face has a few purple bruises, but the most damage was done to my back and arms. I continued to walk to my room and I finally reached it. 

I shut the door behind me and quickly lock it. I know that I cannot handle another beating today. I limp towards my closet and choose to wear light blue skinny jeans with a white woolly jumper and a scarf around my neck to hide the bruises with pink volley shoes.

I was already late for school so yet again did I have to skip breakfast. I grabbed out my phone and started listening to Papercuts by llly ft Vera blue while walking to school. It took me 35 minutes to arrive at school, an extra 15 minutes as I didn't walk as fast. 

My feet and back were killing me, the pain was building up. I spotted Ariana, Alice, Gabbie and Hayley as they walk up to me. They all looked at me as if they saw a ghost. I wondered why cause I am pretty sure I put my makeup on to hide my bruises and the black eye on my face. OH FUCK FUCK FUCK. I TOTALLY FORGOT TO PUT MAKEUP ON, SHITTT. 

I bolted start past them, ignoring the intense pain throughout my entire body. I saw the door for the girl's bathroom and ran towards it, I swear it's like my 2nd home.

I walk in there and I can hear the girl's behind me still. God damn it, I just saw my face in the mirror and I see a black eye, cut lip and bruises all along my jawline and face. My father is not going to be happy if I found this out. All of a sudden the girls enter the bathroom and all at once they yell questions at me





Wow, first of all, their language is impeccable but I was also so scared that they would find out. I can't tell them anything, otherwise, my father would kill me, but literally. 

I just said the first thing that came to my head "I fell over very badly on my way here" 

Ariana said, " Like shit, you say what really happened, we won't tell anyone if you tell us, did someone beat you up?"

I didn't know if I should tell them or not. Should I? I have only known them for one day, but it feels like we have been friends forever. This would be the first time I have told anyone about my father abusing me 

"November please tell us, you know you can tell us anything" Gabbie said

I don't know why but I felt like I should tell them, so I did. Not before making them swear on their lives that they don't tell anyone. If they do, I won't forgive them. So I said it, for the first time ever.

"My father abuses me because both my sister and mother died in a car crash 12 years ago. It was my fault they are dead and last night I got the worst beating. My English teacher kept us in an extra 30 minutes, my father got angry at me because he was really drunk and there was no one to make him his fucking dinner. He beat me for an hour, just torturing me" 

When I finished my word explosion, I burst into tears. 

The girls were shocked but soon they said.





Then after all that the girls hugged me as their life depended on it. I felt comforted by them but I soon realised that my face still had all the bruises. I asked the girls if they had any makeup to fix my face up because I don't want anyone else finding out about my secret.

The girls decided to skip school with me and go to my house and pack my things. They kept saying to me that they don't want me staying in the same house with my father so that he can just beat me. 

For the first time in a long time, people are actually caring about me and showing me kindness. I felt loved. We all went into Ariana's car and drove to my house thank God my father wasn't there. I couldn't deal with him after last night, he must be at a pub or something.

We all walked up to my room and made a plan that I would stay at Ariana's. Apparently, her family is rich and she already asked her parents and they said yes, but that we would have to explain why. That made me nervous to tell more people about the abuse I have been receiving for years, but I'll be safe now. 

We finished packing my things and Ariana drove each of the girls home. When Ariana and I were just left in the car she told me that I would have my own room and that it's right across the hall from her's. 

When we reached her house, it was huge and I mean huge. Her parents must be really really rich, I mean just wow. We exit her car and walk towards her house. 

She opens the front door and we enter the house. Straight away I was star-struck, it was 20 times bigger then my house and mine was an average size.

I see her parents and went to go introduce myself. I am a really shy person but I had to swallow my pride.

I said "Hello there mam and sir, my name is November" 

Ariana's mum responded " Hello November, you can call me Grace and him Robert" 

I said " Hello Grace and Robert, pleased to me you and thank you for letting me stay in your lovely home"

Robert said "Pleasures all are's and don't worry, Ariana already explained why you are staying with us for a while, we are so sorry" 

I just nodded back to him

I am glad Ariana told them because I don't think I would have been able to

Grace said "Ok well Ariana you go help November unpack because dinner should be ready soon"

Ariana said "Ok mum, let's go November" 

I followed her while she said to me "Oh and I forgot to say that I have a brother" 

I responded " Oh ok what's his name" 

Ariana said "Well it's Trystan and he is actually in the same grade as us" 

Confusion consumed me, I said "What but how can you two be the same age if your siblings?"

Ariana replied "Oh we are twins, but we are not identical" 

Oh shit, I'm so stupid.

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