Chapter 26

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"So," the waitress inquired, "what can I get everyone?"

Mary, Mike and James were back at The Clover, seating in a booth and ordering drinks. Mary looked at the men with raised eyebrows, prompting them to order first. James asked for a Guinness, and Mike parroted the request.

The waitress turned to Mary. "And for you, my dear?"

"A shot of Makers, and a bottle of Annie's Irish Red."

The waitress beamed a smile brighter than her ruby hair. "Well done, love. I'll be right back."

Both men looked at Mary, then eyed each other. Impressive. Mary could blend into new environments far better than they could, though that wasn't saying much.

Mike then leaned back, and shot glances between the bio-humans. "So, what brings you two around here?"

Mary stayed silent, letting James field the question. He didn't waste time.

"We're here to warn Alice," James said. "Or more to the point, I'm here to warn Alice. Mary came along because she offered to help."

Mike nodded. He expected something along these lines.

"I know," James continued. "That's not what you wanted. And I'm sorry if it pisses you off. But I have to do this irrespective of the consequences. If UCLA fires me, fine. If I upset you, I apologize. But I'm not going to let that sick bastard kill Alice, whatever that means for me in the long run."

Mike turned to Mary. "When he really wants something, it's amazing how stubborn he can be."

Mary grinned. "You have no idea."

Mike smiled, then shifted his gaze between the bio-humans. A moment later, he refocused. "How successful were you two in what you came for?"

"Not very," James responded. "We stopped by the library to warn Alice, but she wasn't there. The manager said I missed her by thirty minutes, and that she left with some man. I figured it was Victor, so we went over to his place. That's when we came across you."

Mike took another moment, then smirked. "To what lengths are you two willing to go in order to stop me?"

Mary and James exchanged looks, then Mary shrugged. James knew what this meant. She would back him up to the bitter end, so the length was his call. James appreciated this, largely because of the artillery piece Mary packed in her purse.

James looked back. "Whatever it takes."

Mike chuckled. "That serious, huh?"

James nodded. "I can't let it happen. I can't let Victor knife Alice to death, film the murder, then plaster that shit on the net, adding ridicule to an already horrific experience. And if you think I lost objectivity because I got to close to the target, you're right. But what's also true is that Alice isn't just some Goddamn target. She's a human being, like you and me."

Mary's ears perked at that, but she knew better than to interject.

"Well," Mike responded, "I can't say this surprises me. And like we talked about earlier, your dedication is actually something positive. It makes you a lot less like Chad Vale, and more like the Eric Roberts we all know and love."

Mary and James smiled, then Mary caressed James' leg.

"You know what," James went on, "there's something I don't understand. If you didn't want me involved, why'd you tell me about your suspicions–your suspicions about Chad?"

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