Last Call, Guys n' Gals

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I reckon each and every one of you knows exactly what I'm going to say. You probably don't even have to lower your gaze to clarify that's the case, either, because there's absolutely no way at all that right now, at this juncture, I can say anything other.

It's true though, right? I mean, dare anyone to look me in the eyes and tell me this isn't the single best issue of Tevun-Krus to date.

And not just in quantity, either - though it does dwarf all of its predecessors by a considerable margin - but in quality, too! There's some bloody awesome pieces back there and there are one or two, that in my mind, go beyond even that!

So thank you.

Thanks for taking part and submitting your literary efforts. You're all badass. 'Nuff said.

Mostly though, thanks for reading. Without you 'troopers this e-zine would just be us lot going slightly doolally on a monthly basis.

Wanna' get involved in next month's issue? Gotta' be honest with you, we'd love to have you. Though next month's issue isn't really next month's as it's going live for All Hallows Eve... That's right; TK's goin' all GothPunk on your booty!

Pop on over to the 'Ooorah 2016,' thread in the SF club, and say hello. October's password is 'twinkie!'

Tevun-Krus #33 - Generation ShipWhere stories live. Discover now