• F O U R •

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Natalia sat on the edge of her bed in thoughts of someone she loved the most. Today her fate was seriously playing twisted games with her. Ashton Cross was nothing more than a nightmare for her. She hated that man with all her heart but she did love someone with all her heart as well.

She clearly remembered her first meeting with Ashton. After she slapped him she had a fight with Nicholas. The guy she loved. Nicholas was furious with her for slapping his best friend. Ashton was very dear for Nicholas they were just not best friend they were brothers.

Due to Veronica, Natalia asked Nicholas to hide their relationship from everyone. Nicholas always wanted to at least tell his friends and family about their relation. They weren't just P.A and boss they were more than that. Natalia was afraid if Veronica came to know about her whereabouts she wouldn't budge to take her. Nicholas has made everything secret about Natalia he had made sure she was safe with him in America.

But one and half year ago it turned all upside down. Nicholas left her, he never turned back towards her just went away. It was as if there was no Nicholas Wittgenstein on the earth. He was like erased from the earth surface. She trusted and loved Nicholas but he didn't showed up. Today his best friend like brother purchased her.

What's more worst??

Veronica entered the room and saw Natalia crying sitting on the bed. Natalia told Grace that she won't go with Ashton that had led Veronica come upstairs to fill Natalia head with bittersweet talk.

"What are you doing here??" Veronica shouted that startled Natalia and Grace both in fear

"Mo-mom please.... I-I don't want to go" Natalia said stammering due to fear

Veronica walked towards her and twisted her arm to which Natalia winced in pain "shut up... get it.. that man is paying half of his fortune on you be thankful" Veronica said twisting her arm tightly and she cried

"Mom.. please I hate him..." Natalia cried

"That's not my concern and he is better than your Nicholas. Tell me where is your lover.. left you.. ran away.." Veronica said bruising her arm

Ashton waited for Natalia in the backyard impatiently. He is anxious that Natalia doesn't spill it out that he is Nicholas's friend. He paced left and right impatiently and waited for her.

After like ages later Natalia with her sister and mother came. Natalia wore a red one piece that showed her cleavage and it was visible she hadn't woren a bra. Her nipples perked in the dress. The dress reached till her inner thighs almost covering her lower half. Ashton lowered his eyes not wanting to lose his control.

How can a mother let her daughter wear such kind of dress? He was thankful the he made it on time and no man could see Natalia in this dress expect for him and other womens. He opened the back door of the car for her. She quitely sat inside. He could see her cheeks were red and eyes were puffed which meant she was crying.

Veronica asked the servant to bring Natalia's bag "no need Ms. Hayes.." he said and sat in the car beside Natalia and driver drove off in the busy streets.

Natalia shifted uncomfortably on the seat trying to cover her chest. Ashton closed the partition in the car and removed his coat.

"I don't need it??" She hissed in anger

"I've purchased you..."

"That doesn't give you rights on me" she glared in anger

"Let me make it clear for you...." he calmed his raging nerves "if you disobey me in front of anyone you will have two ways.. one I will sell you to someone and two send you back to your mother" he said with grave anger and she gulped her saliva sure both options weren't for her.

She quitely accepted the coat he offered and wore it covering her body. He smelled like apples. His cologne was too strong and it did went into her nostrils. The warm coat has his fragrance sure she wanted a man to comfort her but it wasn't Ashton it was Nicholas she wanted.

Ashton smiled inwardly when he saw her gulping saliva. Nicholas was right she is strong shell from outside but from inside she is as soft as cotton and fear is out of all things she has in life. Fear is with her like a second skin. 

Due to speed breaker, car dogged back and forth and due to sudden dogging Ashton and Natalia collided with each other and Natalia winced in pain. The arm her mother twisted was still paining she fought back her tears and kept a steady face.

Ashton and Natalia reached The Pearl Height one of the best hotel of South Seoul. The driver opened the door for Natalia and stood in sidewalk. The moment Natalia step out of his car Ashton picked her bridal style not wanting anyone to see her bra less and panty less. she shouted "put me down"

"Shout one more time and see what I do" he threatened and she like a mouse at cat's mercy kept quite which Ashton found adorable.

Ashton walked inside the lobby and asked the drooling receptionist to give his keys. Natalia just rolled her eyes on the way the receptionist was gaping over their position and drooling over him. Sure if she wouldn't have been in love with Nicholas she wouldn't have mind giving a chance to Ashton when he asked two years ago.

Natalia snatched the keys from the receptionist and they walked inside the elevator. "What's the room number?"

"You don't know?" She glared at him

"No!! Aaron booked the suit" he replied coldly

"Its 1207" she said pressed the twelveth floor

"When we walk out just cling to me" he ordered

"No I will not" she shouted in anger. Thankfully no one was around to listen

"I don't want people to see what's between your thighs. That's mine to admire" he said in a dangerous tone and she flinched in fear and clenched her thighs.

The elevator ping and they walked out. Natalia did as was said. They were close enough, their lips were inch away one move and the action begins but much to Ashton's dismay their room came. Natalia opened the door and Ashton settled her on her legs.

"Why did you buy me?? Now that your friend left me that's doesn't mean you have a chance" she shouted like a tigress

Ashton was never a calm person. He grabbed her shoulders and pinned her to the wall digging his nails in her shoulder and she hissed in pain. Her pained voice clicked his senses and he released her, tears ran down her eyes. He tried to touch her arm but she fought back. So he forcefully grabbed her other arm and made her sit on the bed.

"Don't argue or else consequences will be worst" he threatened and saw her burised arm it was red and with his fingerprints there were other prints too. He called the room service and ordered ice-pack and ointment.

After applying ice-pack and ointment he asked her to take rest. Natalia was beyond shock to see such a soft side of Ashton. Till she knew him he was cold-hearted and heartless demon. He rarely smiled only when he is around his friends.

"I'll get you clothes to wear!" He said and left behind a shock Natalia..

A/N: Hello Lovies!!! Alright first I'm sorry for being late and second thank you so so much for all those who are reading it, voting, commenting.. you guyss motivate to write I'm so thankful that you guyss are giving my book a try.. The above cover is by Sweetblast she is wonderful please vote and comment on this chapter as well...:)

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