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"I need your help.." March whispered in Natalia's ear. Natalia was decorating the Christmas tree with Liana and Alessia with a bright smile and happy glint in her eyes. She looked at March in confusion when she seeked her help.

"Can I help you a little bit late.. I want to complete the decoration.." Natalia pouted with a baby face

March just shook her head in denial "as much as I hate to take away your happiness it's important..."

Natalia pleaded with her eyes for a little while but then she agreed and both walked towards a corner of the house. The house was decorated in a traditional Christmas Eve type. Christmas ornaments, stockings, holiday accents were spread all around the house. The house was covered with flowers and bows all around. The big chandelier was decorated with Christmas wreaths and garlands. The swag, centerpiece and faux florals were decorated on the stairs and pillars.

Natalia had for the first time witnessed such kind of environment on Christmas. She had a childish gleam in her eyes when she talked about how she used to research about it but never was able to do it in real. It was one of her wishes and Ashton did complete it. Like he promised he would.

"Natalia Ashton's dad's gonna arrive.." March said in a low voice

"It's great, Isn't it??" Natalia said in confusion

"No it's not.. They don't get along with each other..."

"Why do all Billionaires don't get along with their fathers.." Natalia murmured, March giggled on her remark

"Well.. None of the billionaire's around you get along with their fathers..."

Natalia chuckled "So what I need to do.."

"Ashton can never deny you.. You just need to convince him to have dinner with the whole family including his father..." March said Natalia's eyes went wide in shock

She instantly nodded her head in no but March nodded in a yes

"He won't agree.." She stated

"He will.." She was sure. If in this entire world someone was able to convince Ashton David Cross, than it was Natalia and before her it was Nicholas.

Natalia was terrified beyond words. She couldn't belive her own ears. She can't be Ashton's weakness but a little part of her was happy to know someone in the world was there for whom she will be mattered. But that little part of her was still unknown to her.

Alessia announced Mark, Ashton's father won't able to make it to the dinner due to an emergency in hospital. Natalia sighed in relief with the news. The family walked towards the dining area to have dinner. Aaron and Austin sat beside each other, being the best buddy ever. March and Allen sat across them. March and Austin stole some glances which didn't went unnoticed by Allen but he kept num. Aaron on the other hand was busy discussing the dish Alessia cooked for the dinner. Being a chef, food has always been his weakness.

Ashton and Natalia sat beside each other in an awkward silence. The tension between them grew thicker than they thought. They ate the food in silence. Liana saw the discomfort when ever their arms brushed against each other. She thought of clearing the air and make things easier for everyone.

"So Ashton, tell us about your women.." Liana said feeding her a spoon full of brown rice

Everyone's head snapped in Ashton's direction. His friends had a worried look on their faces while Natalia's body stiffen when asked about her. Alessia too waited for the answer. Ashton opened his mouth to say something but then they heard a voice from behind and his mouth went dry.

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