Chapter 24: The Country House

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"Are we expecting the Queen or something?" Noor asked as she peeked through the townhome's living room window.

In the adjacent kitchen, Reine put the last of the morning's clutter in the dishwasher. "Why? What's out there?"

"Take a look," her friend suggested, pulling the curtain open. "And are you sure I can't come? I'd love to personally meet the man who was blackmailing me for more than three years. I have a thing or two I'd like to tell him."

"Absolutely not. You know those people could ruin your life with a snap of a finger. I want to keep you as far away from them as possible. Plus, this is your last weekend before starting your new job, so go out and enjoy the free time." Reine joined her in the sunshine. Leaning against the glass, she saw the silver Rolls Royce from the Savoy parked at the curb a few doors down. A black Range Rover - unable to find another free space - was next to it, blocking the narrow street. "That must be the car Wescott sent for me." She turned away and picked up the television remote from the table.

"If they're so bad, then why are you going?" Noor asked, still leaning against the pane.

"Because I need answers. Why is the TV so loud?" Pointing the gadget toward the set, Reine had her thumb on the volume control when she froze.

The images on the screen showed mangled metal from overhead - perhaps a shot from a helicopter - with people frantically running away. As the angle shifted, they disappeared into the billowing clouds of smoke coming from the wreckage. The voice of a familiar news reporter interrupted the broadcast to explain what was happening.

Once again, ladies and gentlemen, we're bringing you breaking news of a train derailment right here in London. It's happened on the Midlands line outside of Hatch End. There's no word yet on what may have caused the crash that occurred about twenty-five minutes ago, killing at least three people and injuring dozens more. We will of course bring you the latest updates as we continue to receive-

Reine clicked the remote and shut the set off.

"Wow. How horrible," Noor whispered, her hand covering her mouth in shock.

"Uh-huh," Reine concurred while searching for her shoes.

The first words that actually popped into her mind were ironic and even suspicious, but she tried to dismiss these as over-reaching. Even so, the discussion of a rejected railways' safety contract just days before between the head of the Order of Westminster and London's mayor nagged at her during the entire trip.

It didn't help that the chauffer was being extremely prudent in his observance of traffic laws. The drive to Wescott's rural property, which should have taken half an hour, ended up being almost twice as long. The black SUV also continued to follow them from a reasonable distance, and Reine wondered how many enemies Wescott had to need such protection.

At any rate, the man not only had good taste in cars, but also in architecture, as well.

Although barely outside of London's urban metropolis, Wescott's country estate felt like it was a world away. Sprawling woodlands and rolling pastures surrounded the two-story, Georgian manor, but it wasn't until she'd walked through the open lobby that Reine saw the finest feature of the property.

The magnificent English garden was where all of the guests - who must have numbered over one hundred - sipped cocktails and politely chatted. The men wore light suits and the women were in pastel, flowing dresses matching the outdoor setting. Their wide rimmed hats smartly blocked out the summer sun as they stood on gravel paths surrounded by boxwoods masterfully trimmed in the shape of spheres, spirals, and even animals. Raised flowerbeds held a variety of colorful roses, and where grass took over, a miniature replica of a Grecian temple stood at the edge of a small pond.

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