Chapter 28: The Hospital

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"Well, that was a rather short nap, wasn't it?" Max moved towards her, blocking the bright sun streaming through the window.

Reine blinked, adjusting her eyes to the light. She tried to push herself up, but he placed a hand on her shoulders. "Oh no, you probably aren't ready to be out and about yet. Are you feeling any better?"

Her head was throbbing, her vision was still unclear, and she had no idea where they were. "What happened?" she asked groggily.

Max chuckled. "I've told you four times already, but I guess I could explain again." He sat on the chair next to the bed and took her hand in his. "You fainted and hit your head. Don't worry, the baby's fine," he added, as she drew her hand to her stomach. "Do you know where we are?"

She looked around at the whitewashed walls, sterile furniture, and IV drip connected to her arm. "Hospital?"

"Very good. Now, what's the last thing you remember?"

She squeezed her eyes shut and strained to recall. "Morgan, I think. Yes, we were on the way back to London. No, wait! We stopped and met you. I think that's it," Reine said as she rubbed her temple. "How long have I been out?"

He checked his watch. "About ten minutes."

Reine shook her head. It didn't add up. "How did we get here so fast?"

Max smiled again and stroked her hand. "We've been here for over an hour, darling. You've been slipping in and out of consciousness. Bit of short-term memory loss, too. Let me go tell the doctor you're awake. He's been waiting to properly examine you." He began to stand, but Reine pulled him back.

"Wait. I had the strangest dream."

He sat with a sigh, and Reine studied his face. The cheerful expression had disappeared, replaced by worry.

"It wasn't a dream, was it?" she whispered, pulling her hand away. "We saw him."

Max sighed again. "Can't we discuss this later? The doctor--"

"No! I've waited three months for the truth, and you will tell me everything right now," she demanded.

"Reine--" He reached for her face, but she swatted his hand away.

"Don't touch me! You're the reason he doesn't know me!" she yelled.

Max leaned back in his chair. When he spoke, his voice was calm and quiet. "Yes and no. I made him immortal, but only because he begged me to."

"What? That's a lie!" she exclaimed as she sat up straight. "How would he have even known?"

"Now that's one thing I will take full responsibility for. But it was a stupid slip, I swear I had no intention of telling him," Max said.

She shook her head in confusion. "What? How?"

"After we left the hospital in Williamsburg and I dropped you off at the hotel, Gabe called me. He acted fine when you were around, but the kid was scared, Reine." He looked her in the eyes in emphasis. "I had to go back and talk to him."


"And we talked for a while. Mostly about you."

Reine's face flushed. "That must have been awkward."

"Quite." He smirked. "But it made me realize his feelings for you were real. I was just trying to reassure him that he needn't worry about the future when I inadvertently mentioned that he's like us."

Reine leaned forward. "How long have you known?"

"I've always known he had the potential, just as you probably felt it from the moment you met him," Max said as he rubbed his chin. "You just didn't know the signs."

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