Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

Her eyes widened slightly, looking at me up and down. "You think you can take me? I'm a Luna." She chuckled dryly. "Don't be a fool."

I shrugged. "Show me how much of a Luna you are, shift." Natalia didn't seem worried one bit as she continued to smirk, shrugging her shoulders lightly as she walked back slightly.

"You're going to regret that." Instantly, she charged at me and lunged herself in the air, shifting into a red/brown wolf mid-air. She was obviously quick, however, I was quicker as I swiftly turned to the side and watched as she fell to the ground beside me, bumping into a couple of pairs behind us.

By now, the pairs' training had stopped to watch what was happening, whispers already ensuing. Mace was standing close, however, backed away as he watched me—a ghost smile on my face. He always had faith in me.

Natalia's wolf growled at me, saliva dripping from her fangs as bared him. Her eyes turning pitch black which was a sign that her wolf had completely taken control and it was out for blood.

It was my turn shift, my skin turning into light brown—almost orange—fur. Natalia instantly chose to lunge for my legs, but I was quick to jump up, causing her to miss and I ended up landing onto her back. Straight away, I bit into her back harshly which caused her wolf to howl in pain.

What Luna is this? She doesn't even smell like a Luna.

My wolf wanted to destroy her, my wolf wanted to rip off her head. All she could think of was how she, weak, she-wolf had taken away our mate from us.

Before I could make my move, bodies had run from the kitchen and into the garden—Jared, James, Lane and Hayden.

"Stop this right now!" Hayden called out, running between Natalia and I—my wolf inwardly whining as we watched Hayden protect Natalia.

"Reese," Jared walked towards me, glancing between Hayden and Natalia before he got closer to me. "Shift back, now." I held back my growl, while it was fun to disobey him in private I would never be the person to disobey him in public—in a garden filled with his inferiors.

By my Alpha's command, I shifted back into human, James automatically throwing a long short in my direction which I grabbed and swiftly put on.

"Alpha Hayden," Jared glanced over me before turning to Hayden and his misses. "If your pack continues to disrespect my pack then I will have to ask you to leave." My heart warmed that Jared was willing to throw them out for me however I pushed that feeling away, this was not the place nor was it the time.

Natalia shifted back behind Hayden, stomping close. "It was her fault! She was disrespecting me!" She screeched, pointing her fingers at me as someone came over and covered her with a towel. Beside her, Hayden looked almost mortified that she was raising her voice at an Alpha of such high power like Jared. "That worthless piece of shit was disrespecting a Lun—"

"Natalia!" Hayden bellowed beside, causing her to jump in the air in shock, giving a look of disbelief to Hayden which he ignored as his face turned red in rage. "You never raise your voice at an Alpha, do you understand me?"


"Never!" He roared, his fangs slightly peeking through as his eyes flashed black. He turned to Jared and apologised for Natalia's mannerism before turning to me. "Reese—"

"Don't even," I scoffed, moving to walk into the house— it was obvious that training was very much over. If this was how their 'Luna' treats people, then they don't deserve my help.

As I walked past, Hayden grabbed me by the arm and pulled me back. "Please," He spoke. Instantly, I ripped my arm from his grasp and pushed him in the chest.

"No!" My voice was raised as I pushed him away. I stepped close to him and pointed aggressively in his face. "You chose her over me."


"You don't get to fucking speak!" I gritted my teeth together as I seethed at the man in front of me. This was meant to be the man I was to live my life with. What a life. "Your actions speak enough for you." I wanted him gone.

"Reese, please let me explain." I bit my lip, breathing heavily through my nose as my eyes fell from his. The sound of him saying my name almost throw my wolf over the edge and I felt that she wanted to take control, however, I refused to let her. My wolf doesn't realise the pain he ensued on me, my wolf only knows the connection she has with his wolf.

I shook my head, I couldn't let him break me down. I wasn't a little girl anymore.

"You stay away from me. We will help your pack but you can stay the hell away from me." I looked back at him and stared him down emotionlessly.


I was tired of listening to this man sound like a broken record player. I pushed away from him and walked away, leaving him calling for me which not only broke my wolf within me—it broke me.

However I continued to think in my mind; he chose someone else over me, clearly, he wasn't pining for me when I left—I always meant nothing to him.

"Are you okay, R?" Nicole asked as I walked through the kitchen, however, I didn't stop to chat with her. Instead, I shook my head as a response and left my Luna looking curiously through the window and then back to me as I made it out of the kitchen.

As I walked, I heard my wolf growling and whining for me to go back to our mate, to let our mate hold us, but I would never let that happen. Never have I felt his arms around us and never will I.

--He has someone else he can hold instead.

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