Ch. 15) My Amaranthine |Part 2|

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Heres where I say something but I'm tired. I owed you guys a chapter so I've been writing since 12, I haven't eaten anything so I'm gunna go do that.
Warning spelling mistakes may occur so let me know of them guys, thaaanks... 👌🏾

Jerias POV




It was of somethings rather angelic. Divine. No other beauty to ever be more capturing. Not like hers. Lips that were always so soft and eyes with more depth than the sea.

She was heaven.

Lying here asleep besides me, vulnerable. Yet lying so serene and relaxed as if she was safe with me.

It only made me want her more.

No matter how many times I painted her. Unaware of her ethereal naked beauty as she sleeps. The silk sheets draped over her back side while she lie on her stomach. Her brown legs bare. There was never a way to capture such beauty. I've done so many times. Yet it still felt as if the image came out wrong. Something was amis, her glow. Her gentle aura perhaps.

She had this tranquil vibe to her and with it she still managed to brighten up everything around her. Around me.

She made me feel so alive, like for all this time I've not really been living, only moving through the motion. Only doing what was necessary, moving but not forward. Moving only cause it was all I could ever do. But I wasn't really going anywhere. I was stuck.

And then she came.

I wonder sometimes if it had been any other woman. If Ines hadn't been the one, if she wasn't my Amaranthine. Would things be the way they are now? Is what I'm feeling happening because it's what's meant to happen between us, or is it because she was there at the right time. Right now.

If there's one thing I know... Is that it isn't coincidental. My father and now I? But it isn't the first case. Romantic relationships between Amaranthines and Nosferatus have popped up occasionally here and there throughout the centuries. And that book, Ronan translated enough of it for me to know that sometimes the bonding between Amaranthines and nosferatus go deeper than just the need to feed. In fact the origin of Amaranthine's and nosferatus went deeper than what our society knows of today, and I have every intention of finding the history of it out. This thing that Ines and I have right now, it almost comes to the point where I can run from it no longer. This was, almost inevitable, whatever it was.
And the thought seemed nearly impossible... all a long could she really have been my true soulmate? A human?

"Hey." Ines smiles at my through sleepy eyes.

Smiling back I push a lock of hair away from her face, "Sleep well?"

"Definitely." Her grin is youthful and playful.


"What about you?"

"Why with all that blood I've taken..." I shake my head, "I have yet to become tired Ines."

"So what've you been doing this whole time?" Her brows shoot up as she laughs lightly.

"Nothing, I showered."

Her eyes narrow now and she shares with me look that conveys she doesn't believe me. She sits up wrapping the sheets around her body, clearly still very shy and conscious of her naked form. My eyes roll over her physique quickly before meeting with her face again.

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