Chapter 23; Flowing Thoughts.

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Chapter 23:

Reese moaned in pain as I bit harder it was getting hard to control myself. After a couple of minutes I finally let him go. Panting heavily.

Reese turned pale, his eyes lost its color. He dried at me and stool d up and we faced my job cunning, and smiling father.

"well, that's not what I was expecting." he said with a wide grin.

Reese immediately growled towards him but his Growl sounded Faint, as he fell down to his knees. This must be the after effect if the bite.

"What's happened to him? Why is he feeling so weak?" I question in haste. My father looked my way with a smile.

"I've already explained Colleen babu girl, your bite is pulling life energy out of him, and I'd he doesn't get a good rest, he's going to damage into an empty vessel."

"why are you doing all this? Why!" I shouted. "There has to be a more reason to why you're hurting me and the people I love? What had I done wrong?" I questioned him, as tears rolled out of my eyes, no matter how hard I tried to keep them in, stupid hormones.

"awe don't shed those fake tears for nothing. Just like everyone has their own dark past, I have mine too. And that's for me to know and for you to never, ever find out." he said, until a smile took over his face. "unless you want to?" the wind blew into my face as I heard his words.

"I-I don't understand." I said to him.

"I have a brilliant idea, if you find out the mystery about my dark past, the curse I have put up you will be lifted. But until then, suffer." he laughed childishly.

"Atlanta give me a clue as to where I must search."i pleaded with him. I don't want to be the reason Reese is going to die.

"Very well then, here's a clue. Deep withing the packs grounds, a journal lie, with an anonymous scribe. Seek it well and read it good, for the information withing will be unused." he said. I looked at him utterly confused. "You might want to get a room dot the night, cause it will be filled with bites." he said as he vanished into the air.

I helped Rees's weak form and helped him to my house. We walked inside as I heard mom's Faint voice from her bedroom.

"Colleen?" she called out to me. It felt absolutely heartwarming to hear my name from her timid lips. I smiled and dropped Reese on the couch, as I walked to moms room.

"mom" I said with tears at the corner of my eyes. She looked at me with soft eyes and a happy smile.

"Baby, you're back!" now reads were rolling out of her eyes like the Victoria Falls. She pled me into a warm embrace and held me so close as if her life depended on it.

"I missed you." I said to her honestly. She smiled at wiped the years from under her eyes. Soon foot steps thumped through the hallway. Mom's door opened and Daniel stood with a wife smile.

"You came back!" he yelled in joy. You'd honestly think he was one of my girlfriends .

"Yeah I'm back." I reassured him. And honestly I hope that was for good. I mean with my psychotic father playing games I can't really say things are gonna get better from here on.

A groan echoed from the living room. I chuckled to myself. But I can't really blame him, he's going to suffer a lot from now. Especially since the curse has begin. Tonight is gonna be a long night. Tired I yawned and turned my eyes.

"mom, I met dad." I said capturing both her and Daniel's attention. She looked shocked, surprised but mostly worried.

"What did he do?" she asked sensing some discomfort in my tone of voice.

"Well he placed a curse on us." I put on a right smile. Her eyes widened at my words.

"What?! What kind if Curse?" this time it was Daniel who spoke.

Taking a deep create I explained the events that happened, mom looked like she was about to cru and Daniel... More like he wanted to castrate my father.

"What are you going to do?" he questioned me.

"I don't know. I guess I need to find more about what happened to him. I need to get some rest. I'm feeling tired. I think I'm gonna call it a night." I answered them, when it was actually midnight.

They nodded as I retired to my comfortable warm bed. I could hear Reese snore a little from the living room. Werewolf hearing. I smiled and turned to my side. But I couldn't help but wonder, if this became too much for him, would he abandon me? Would he leave me to die?


Friday update! Yeah! Was it good?

What do you think Colleen s next move will be?

Will her thoughts come true?

Will we be seeing her father and Alex anytime soon?

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Don't forget to check out my book 'to be the second.'

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