Think Before You Speak

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(pgoodman kohlstein sSadieee123)
It was Friday night and Payton, Kennedy, and Sadie were all going to a party at a friends house. Their friend was from another town, so they wouldn't know anybody there.
As they walked up to the house, they could hear the music blaring from the inside. "Holy crap," said Kennedy, covering her ears. "I'm going to be deaf by the end of the night."
"Oh, calm down," remarked Payton. "It'll be fun." Sadie just nodded and they walked inside. All the girls instantly jumped by the volume of the music. Sadie tried yelling over the music.
   "This should be fun."
                                                                         * * *
The clock read 10:30 and the girls were just sitting there awkwardly. For hours they watched strangers dance in front of them. "I'm bored," Sadie finally said. Kennedy rolled her eyes.
   "Then go dance."
   "I don't want to dance," Payton complained.
   "Then entertain yourselves. I'm bored too, but I don't know what to do."
   Sadie spoke up, "I'm just gonna go walk around."
   "Okay," said Payton. "See ya." So Sadie got up and walked around. She had an idea. She read it on Google a couple weeks ago, "THINGS TO DO WHEN YOUR BORED," it read. "NUMBER 27, ASK RANDOM PEOPLE RANDOM QUESTIONS."
   Sadie started walking around the house, she came up to her first person. "What's the capital of Nevada?" The stranger looked confused.
   "Uh, I don't know. Go on, kid."
   Sadie shrugged. This was fun! She continued her streak through the house until she ran into a guy with a blue hoodie over his head. "Oomph, excuse me." The older boy turned around.
   "It's okay." He mumbled. Sadie decided to keep her questions going. She had a good one.
   "Do you know what it's like to kill someone?" Sadie giggled, expecting a surprised answer from the boy.
   "I do," he said. "Would you like to know too?"
   Sadie was taken aback. Her body instantly filled with fear. She started to back away from the boy in the hoodie. But before she could start running, he grabbed her by the arm. "Come on," he said. "I'm going to show you what it's like to kill someone." Sadie squirmed in his grasp, but it did no good.
   The boy took her down the hall and threw her into a walk-in closet. He shut themselves inside, locking the door behind him. He reached for something metal and shiny in his back pocket. A knife.
   Sadie freaked out, struggling and pounding fists on the boy. It was no use. The boy finally spoke up. "Now, I'm going to show you what it's like to kill somebody," there was an eerie edge to his voice. "Except you're the victim."
Sadie's mouth dropped. No, why...
The boy flipped the lights off. He cupped his hand over Sadie's mouth to keep her from screaming. He whispered in her ear, "This is what it like the be killed." Sadie panicked and tried to escape the boy's grip, but she quickly felt a sharp, cold object enter her body...

Not proofread!! Sorry!! ;)

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