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Croydon smiles and leads us through to the busy city. People give us funny looks as we slowly fly through the streets, as we continue to pass through more and more people notice their prince and bow their heads in respect, eyes wide. Whispers reach my ears.

"The prince!"

"He's back?"

"Omg my gosh it's the prince, shh I think he can hear us!"

I laugh slightly at the last one, silly dragons. We continue to fly through the streets, more people exit the small houses to see why the music had stopped, soon enough all Drekyn people are outside and have their heads bowed. The city is silent as we begin our accent to the huge palace ahead of us. Croy stops at the top and looks down to the people who have gathered at the bottom of the cloud stairs.

"My loyal subjects!" His booming voice echoes around the space. "I have returned and as you may see I have brought guests, treat them as you would treat me." He looks down to his people. "That is all, please continue celebration, it is Freedom Day after all!" Laughing his throws his arms up and flames burst from his hands.

I roll my eyes.

Show off.

"I heard that, Emma." He says as he begins to walk up to the door. I gape at his back before frowning and poking my tongue out at him. Candy snickers from next to me before covering it with a cough, I glare at her and she smiles innocently. Huffing I catch up to Croydon and stand next to him as he stares up at the door, slight fright on his face.

"Are you okay?" I ask him, placing a hand on his back. He glances at me from the corner of his eye.

"Yes, I guess so. I haven't seen my father in 4 years, I'm rather nervous, if you couldn't believe that" He gives a shaky laugh. I shake my head at him.

"You'll be fine Croy, it's your father." I say softly, he nods before pushing open the huge doors. The doors are silent, unlike the gate when they open. The doors open into a big hallway, on the floor lays an elegant blue runner rug that goes the length of the hall. The walls are painted white with a soft blue throughout it. The hall is simple, yet beautiful. Door after door lines it. It's not what I expected of the castle. I guess it's true that looks can be deceiving.

"So many doors..." Derrick murmurs from next to Spencer. Croydon turns to look at him.

"Yes, I have a lot of siblings," he laughs "right this way,"

We follow Croydon to the end of the hall where there are two more doors.

"This is the throne room, my father should be in here, please refrain from talking as we enter, it is considered rude until you are asked to speak." Croydon instructs, we all nod. He pushes open the door and we enter into a large room with a huge diamond encrusted chair sitting in the centre of the room. A long table is positioned in front of it, running the length of the room.

Sitting on the chair is a man, his beard greying slightly and the wings on his back have a dull hue to them.

The King.

Although not what I expected him to look like, he is still rather scary looking.

"Father," Croydon says as he saunters up to his dads side and drops to his knees. The King coughs.

"Croydon, my son! You've returned! And you've brought guests?" The King exclaims.

"Yes dad, this is my master, Emma," I step forward and hold my chin high and proud. "And her friends, Liza, Jolie, Duce and Derrick," they each step forward in correspondence to their name, "as well as Emma's mate Spencer and his little sister Cindy,"

The King nods.

"Emma, come forward girl." I glance at Croydon and he gives me a reassuring smile. I walk forward until I am in front of the King and drop to my knee in a bow.

"Please, you need not bow to me, 'tis I who should rightfully bow to you, Your Highness." The King says and lowers his head in respect. I rise and frown at the floor.

"Pardon me, sir. But, I am not of royalty, you must be mistaken." I whisper, keeping my eyes lowered so I don't disrespect him.

"Apologies, Emma, it's just you look eerily similar to...- oh never mind, Welcome to Drekyn!" He trails off before changing his mind. He coughs at the end, a harsh hack escaping his mouth.

"Father? Are you quite alright?" Croydon asks, placing his hand on his fathers back. I hadn't missed the change in the way Croydon speaks around his father.

"Oh, my son, I'm afraid —" he pauses to cough again, "I'm afraid, the passing of your mother has taken its toll on me, a dragon may not live long without their beloved —" another cough, "and it seems my time is drawing near."

"But father! I'm not ready to take over Drekyn yet! I am still far too young!" Croy protests.

His father takes a shaky breath of air. "That is why I have called in your Uncle, he shall rule until you have reached 25 years."

"Uncle Max? But father.... you know what he is... don't you?" Croydon glances at our group, worry in his eyes.

"Yes, Croydon, I am aware of what he is!" The King snaps, before having a coughing fit.

"Excuse me for interrupting, but, Your Highness, whatever are you talking about?" I ask hesitantly.

"Maximus is the second head of the High Council..." Croydon trails off.

I snap my eyes to him, and I can feel the fury surging through my veins.

"You said we'd be safe here!" I yell, I can feel the skin on my fingers getting warmer and tingling.

"That was before I knew that Max was coming! Emma I had no idea I SWEAR!" Croydon fires back. My fingers heat up more. "Emma calm down, or you will hurt yourself, or someone else!"

"I am calm!" I shout, seething. Fire bursts from my fingertips and out to my sides. I hear a scream of pain before my vision goes black and I feel myself falling into the darkness.


Hey guys!

I'm sort of not happy with this chappie (lol sorry I had to)

But I hope you like it 

-Tayla x

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