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*not edited

"Emma wake up before I drench your ass!"

Is the first thing I hear when I wake up. I open my eyes and glare at the faces hovering above me.

"I'd like to see you try," I laugh at the dragon. Croydon backs up, uttering a small 'nevermind' This is when I notice everyone else, they are all okay, so the question is, why am I in a bed?

My eyes land on Liza, and the bandage wrapping her left arm, I study it, puzzled.

"What happened to your arm?" I ask her, pointing. She looked at me with kind eyes.

"You got a little mad...but don't worry, I'm okay, Croydon healed me, it's just a bit tender that's all," she whispers. My eyes go wide and my jaw drops slightly. I did that?

"Oh Liza, I'm so sorry," I look down, dissapointed in myself.

"Honestly, Em. I'm fine!" She smiles and shakes her head at me.

"What happened?" I ask again, expecting a full answer.

"When Croydons father said about Max coming, you got a little...let's just say...heated," Jolie says, she then looks to Spencer.

"What Jolie is trying to say, Little Dove, is that you burst into flames, to put it bluntly," Spenc says, placing a cold hand on my shoulder. I look at him like he had grown another head.

"Burst into flames? But that's impossible!" I laugh nervously. "Right?"

Croy steps forward.

"Emma, there is something we need to find out before we answer that," I glance at him, the dragon looking rather pale in complexion that usual.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Who is your mother?" Croydon asks. My friends all snap their eyes to Croydon, a clear warning.

"Guys, it's okay," I assure them before taking a shaky breath.

"My mother was Rosemary Ferron, the greatest Griffin Rider there has ever been, why?" I cock my head to the side slightly in question.

"And your father?"

"Jasper Deleon," I stop short, realising I wasn't sure what my father was, or is, to be honest I don't even know if he is still alive.

"It really is you..." Croydon whispers, his eyes widening.

"What? Croy what are you on about?" I say, my voice raising slightly.

"I best let my father explain this, it's not something the future prince should address, rather the King," he says before leaving. Everyone follows and Spencer helps me out of the bed. I stand, my legs are weak like jelly, I go to take a step forward but crumple just as Spencer catches me.

"You wore yourself out Little Dove, here, let me," he says and pulls me onto his back, I cling on to him as he jogs slightly to catch up to the others. We reach the door of the West wing, also known as the Kings Suite.

"Please, only Emma and Spencer through here, my father is very ill and the doctors advise that he not be around lots of people," everyone nods in understanding, taking a step back.

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