Chapter 6: A Small Reunion and Experiment

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Ratigan enters the workroom, where he sees Flaversham working on the robot. "Ah, Mr Flaversham " He said as Flaversham eyes him, warily.

Ratigan holds his cape dramatically and said. "Allow me to present your charming daughter." Ratigan said and he moves his cape to reveal Olivia in Fidget's grasp.

"Olivia!" Flaversham shouted.

"Father!" Olivia exclaimed as she tries to rush to her father but Fidget has a tight grip on her. She stomps on his foot and runs to her father. "Owww! My foot, my only foot!" Fidget exclaimed as he hops up and down in pain.

Olivia hugs her father and cries. "Oh Father! I thought we'd never find you!" She cried.

"Oh, there, there, there, there, my darling. I'm all right. But where's your sister?" Flaversham asked.

"Yes, we are working on getting her here too, Flaversham. Don't you worry." Ratigan said with glee as he watches the reunion in front of him. Flaversham hugs Olivia harder and said. "I was so worried about my girls."

"Oh, how sweet." Ratigan said as he pretends to wipe his eyes with his handkerchief. "Oh, I just love tearful reunions." He cries.

The rat then grabs Olivia back. "Now, come along, my dear." Ratigan said. "Oh please! Please!" Olivia cried as she reaches out for her father. Fidget grabs the girl and takes her away from her father and her father is being restrained by Ratigan. "Father!" Olivia shouted.

"Olivia! Oh please, professor!" Flaversham pleaded.

"Now, now, Fidget will take good care of her and once your other daughter gets here we will take care of her too. That is, as long as we have no further delays!" Ratigan said to him, threateningly.

Flaversham fearfully returns to work on the robot. "Yes, yes, I'll finish it. Oh, just don't hurt my daughters." Flaversham said. "Remember, it must be ready....tonight!" Ratigan said and he slams the door.

Fidget carrys Olivia towards a bottle lying on its side. "Stop! Let me go! You ugly old thing!" Olivia said as she struggles to get out of the bat's grip. Fidget pushes her inside of the bottle and puts a cork in the bottle. "That ought to hold ya!" Fidget said. "Help! Let me out! LET ME OUT!" Olivia shouts. "See how you like that!" said Fidget and he blows a raspberry at her, then strides towards Ratigan, who is looking through the barn.

"Ah, the uniforms. Oh Fidget, I knew I could rely on you. Now, besides the other girl, you didn't forget anything?" Ratigan asked him.

"I'm sorry about the other girl but I couldn't get to her, she's a fighter. But I took care of everything else. Everything on the list." Fidget crackles them he opens his wings to display the list but he realizes that it's missing and frantically searching for it.

"Uh-oh..." He said.

"What's wrong?" Ratigan asked, his temper rising.

"The list....I know...." Fidget said, panicking.

"Where's the list?" Ratigan growled.

"The list, yeah, yeah, yeah. Well you see, uh, it was like this. I was in the toy store getting uniforms when I heard 'A-roo A-roo.'" Fidget said as he imitates a Toby howling.

"You're not coming through." Ratigan said, impatiently.

"A dog came. I ran. I had a baby bonnet, girl in bag and Basil and the other girl chased me." Fidget said.

"What? Basil on the case?! Is that why you couldn't get the older girl?! Why you gibberish little..." Ratigan yelled as Fidget cowers.

Ratigan clutches his chest and his face, red with fury, but quickly he calms down and scoops up Fidget into his arms. "Oh, my dear Fidget. You have been hanging upside down too long." Ratigan said to him.

"You mean, you're not mad? I'm glad your taking it so well." Fidget said as Ratigan carries Fidget to the back.

He rings his bell and Fidget screams as Felicia shows up and grabs Fidget and tries to eat him but he tries, frantically, to escape. "Not me, you idiot! No, stop you stupid fur ball! Open up!  Open up! Ai, ai, ai! Oh, oww! You're hurting my wings!" Fidget shouted as Felicia shoved him in her mouth.

Ratigan has his back turned and leaning against a bottle, rubbing his temples. "How dare that idiot Basil poke his stupid nose into my wonderful scheme and foul up everything!" Ratigan said.

"Let me out! Let me out! HELP!" Fidget shouted, still trying get to get out.

"Oh, I can just see that insufferable grin on his smug face." Ratigan growls as he bangs his head against the bottle and wines in pain, but suddenly he has a wicked idea and smiles. "Yes....yes, I can just see it." He said and giggles with glee. "Felicia, release him." Ratigan ordered.

Felicia pouts for a moment but spits the bat out like she was told. "Fidget, you delightful little maniac. You've presented me with a singular opportunity." Ratigan said as hell holds up Fidget by his cheeks then drops him, feigning a look of concern. "Poor Basil! Oh, he is in for a little surprise." He said, malevolently.

​​​​​​*YOUR POV*

We make it back to Baker Street and Basil was studying the list with his magnifying glass. "Offhand, I can deduce very little. Only that the words are written with a broad pointed quilt pen which had spattered, twice. That the paper is of..." he said and he tosses it in his hand.
"...native Mongolian manufacture, no water mark. And has..."
He puts the paper to his lips and smacks it several times.
"...Been gummed, if I'm not very much in error..."
Then he sniffs the paper and holds it at arm's length in disgust at the result. " a bat who has been drinking Rodents Delight! A cheap brandy sold only in the speediest pubs." He finished.

"Amazing!" I said in amazement.

"Oh not really, my dear (y/n). We still don't know where it came from." Basil said as he rummages through his desk.

He pulls out a microscope and places the paper under it. "Perhaps a close inspection will tell us something." He said as he focuses the lens on the letter. "Hmmm-hmmm. Hmm. Coal dust. Clearly of the type used in sewer lamps." Basil said.

Dawson tries to look through the microscope when Basil leaves it but he takes the list and holds it over a small flame, letting it catch on fire. "Uh, but Basil, I..." Dawson started to say but Basil shushed him. "Shh! Don't speak!" He said, quietly. 

Basil let's the ashen remains of the list fall into a bowl and he pats it down with a small wooden masher. He pours the contents onto a glass jar of a yellow chemical, which turns blue. Dawson and I stare at the liquid while Basil returns with a vial of a red chemical.

"Excuse me, Dawson and (y/n)." Basil said and he holds the red chemical over the jar carefully.

"Steady hand..." He muttered.

He lets a single drop fall and a small puff of smoke comes out as the chemical turns violet. Basil sets the jar below a glass spout and reaches to the other side of the chemistry set to turn on a small flame.

The green chemical inside bubble up and slowly makes its way through the tubes. "Yes, yes. Good, good. Come along, come along, come along, come along. Come along. Come along.. haha...yes, yes. Good, good. No, bad. Good, good, oh, no. Come along, come on. Yes, come on." Basil encourages it and the three of us watch intently as a single green droplet hangs over the violet chemical and it drops, making the chemical turn red.

"Ah-ha!" Basil exclaims and he stands between me and Dawson and puts an arm around our shoulder. "We've done it, you two! This reaction could only have been triggered by the paper's extreme saturation with distillation of sodium chloride." Basil said and he moves away from us and I walk closer to the chemical, which is clear.

"Salt water." I said.

"Great Scott!" Dawson exclaimed.

"It proves beyond a doubt, this list came from the riverfront area." Basil said as he rummages through his set of maps of the London area.

Then he uses the dart, that he had earlier, to pin the map on the wall. "Ah, now steady on there, Basil." I said.

"No, no. Elementary, my dear (y/n). We merely look for a seedy pub at rhetoric" Basil said as he marks the spot with another dart  "...where the sewer connects to the waterfront." Basil said in a low voice.

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