Chapter 8: An Escape

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*3rd Person POV*

​"You don't know what a delightful dilemma it was trying to decide on the most appropriate method for your demise." Ratigan said.

Fidget nervously sets the switch on the mouse trap and stampers away. Dawson flinched as the bone breaking metal vibrates slightly. Basil looks catatonic and simply staring off into space.

"Oh, I had so many ingenious ideas I didn't know which to choose." Ratigan said in a high voice then he chuckles and said. "So, I use them all." And gives a grand gesture to reveal a gun, a crossbow, an axe, and an anvil, all of which are aimed directly at the mousetrap.

"Marvelous, isn't it? Oh ho...but here, let me show you how it works. Picture this. First, a tune I've recorded especially for you. As the song plays the cord tightens and when the song ends, the metal ball is released. Rolling along its merry way until....Snap! Boom! Twang! Thunk! SPLAT!" Ratigan said as Dawson flinched.
"And so ends the short, undistinguished career of Basil of Baker Street." He said as he removes his hat in a form of salute.

"You're...despicable!" Dawson shouted.

"Yes." Ratigan chuckles as Fidget, who's now dressed in a British guard uniform, runs over to him.

"Everything's ready, Fidget?" Ratigan asked.

"All set, boss." He replied as Ratigan peeks inside a large white box with a pink ribbon and he chuckles wickedly.

"Oh, this is wicked! So delightfully wicked." Ratigan chuckled and several thugs, all dressed as guards, move the package as Ratigan walks over to Flaversham, who is bound by ropes, standing by Olivia's and (y/n)'s bottle.

"Mr. Flaversham, let me congratulate you on a superb piece of craftsmanship." Ratigan said and due knocks on the glass.

"See what you can do with the proper motivation?" He cackled as he pinches Flaversham's cheek and more.of his thugs climb into Felicia's back.

"You all know the plan." Ratigan said to his men.

"Right, Professor." The thugs said, saluting.

"It was my fond hope to stay and witness your final scene, but you were fifteen minutes late. And I do have an important engagement at Buckingham Palace." Ratigan said to Basil and Dawson eyes him disgust.

"Now, you will remember to smile for the camera, won't you?" Ratigan said as he gestures towards the camera. "Hmmm? Say cheese!" He giggled.

"You fiend!" Dawson shouted as Ratigan starts the record and prepares to leave the room.

"Sorry, chubby. You should have chosen your friends more carefully." He said and the record starts to play:

​​​​​​'Goodbye so soon, and isn't this a crime. We know by now that time knows how to fly '

Fidget operates a dirigible and flies by Ratigan. The package is attached by a rope, a ladder is lowered and Ratigan climbs on, waving. "Adieu, auf wiedersehen, farewell! Bye bye, Basil." Ratigan said as he climbs on the dirigible and steers it in and up through the furnace and into the night.

​​​​​​'So here's goodbye, so soon. We go our separate ways with time so short

I'll say so long and go so soon. Goodbye.

You followed me, I followed you. We were like each other's shadow for a while.

Now as you see, this game is through. So although it hurts I'll try to smile as I say...'

As the music continues to play, Olivia and (y/n) stare out of their glass prison at Basil and Dawson. "Wh-wh-what did he mean, an engagement in Buckingham Palace?" Dawson asked Basil, who sighs.

"Haven't you figured it out yet, Doctor? The Queen's in danger and the Empire's doomed." Basil said, unconcerned.

"The Queen?!?" Dawson asked. 

You look out of your prison towards Basil and your heart breaks at the sight of him and you look down at your little sister. "Come on, let's see if we can get out of here." Olivia nods at you.

You try to shoulder charge at the glass but nothing happens except now your shoulder is sore. Olivia starts to push at the cork but it doesn't budge. 

​​​​​​'It's through so although it hurts I'll try to smile as I say goodbye. So soon and isn't this...'

​​​​​​"Basil?" Dawson asked but Basil only groans in response. "Basil!" Dawson shouted.

"Oh, how could I have been so blind?" Basil asked.

"We all make mistakes! But we can't let that stop us! We have to--" Dawson started to say but Basil talks over him.

"Ratigan's proved he's more clever than l. He would never have walked into such an obvious trap." Basil scoffs.

"Oh pull yourself together! You can stop that villain! Why--" Dawson said but he looks over at the record, which was skipping.

"Basil! The record!" He exclaimed.

"Oh, it's finally happened! I've been outwitted!" Basil said in despair.

"Oh, Basil, please!" Dawson said.

"Beaten! Duped! Made a fool of! Oh, ridiculed! Belittled!" Basil said and then Dawson shouts. "That's enough!"

At that moment the record fixes it's itself and the song continues. "Dash it all, Basil! The Queen's in danger, Olivia and (y/n) are counting on us. We're about to be horribly splattered and all you can do is lie there feeling sorry for yourself. Well, I know you can save us, but if you've given up then why don't we set it off now and be done with it?" Dawson said, angrily.

Basil gives a small, weak chuckle. "Set it off now." Basil repeats but then suddenly he gets an idea. "Set Ye...yeah! Yes! We'll...we'll set the trap off now!" Basil exclaims and grins manically, but Dawson is horrified that his suggestion was actually taken.

"Basil! Wait! I didn't mean that we ought--" Dawson said but the song ends and the ball is on its way.

"The angle of the trajectory multiplied by the square root of an isoscelrs trianglr....dividing Gutgermeg principle of opposing forces in motion and adjusting for the difference in equilibrium.....Dawson, at the exact moment I tell you, we must release the triggering mechanism!!" Basil said as the ball gets closer to them. Dawson is ready, but terrified at what may be suicide.

"Get ready,!" Basil said as Dawson yells and they hit the trigger and they were saved from the metal switch by the ball that had stopped just between their heads.

The vibration loosens one of the pegs, which ricochet towards the gun, causing it to misfire and hit the crossbow, which instead of being aimed at Basil and Dawson, flies towards the axe, cutting off the head. The blade falls lengthwise, slicing through the ropes and trap, effectively freeing them. The anvil falls seconds later, missing them both. 

The force of the anvil hitting the ground rattles yours and Olivia's bottle, loosening the cork and sending you and her sailing through the air.

As Dawson leans heavily against the anvil, Basil sheds his sailor costume, revealing his normal clothes, and puts his deerstalker cap back on.

"Thank you, Dawson." Basil said as he holds his arms out and you land right in his arms and Dawson looks up and holds out his arms and catches Olivia.

"Smile, everyone!" Basil said and the camera goes off, capturing Basil's brilliant smile and yours, Olivia's and Dawson's stunned expressions.

You look up at Basil and said. "Welcome back, Basil." And you kiss him, lightly, on the lips.

Once you pull back, you see he looks surprised but he smiles and he leans into kiss you again. Dawson smiles as Olivia giggles, while he thinks that it was about time you two got together.

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