Did you Know?chapter 1

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Narrators/Narutos (had to do it to em) POV            (edited)                                                                                                                                                             ____________________

Did you Know Eren had an older sister No! What?

Well, I will be telling you about her and her story.

First of all her name is Erika Yeagar, she was 3 years older than Eren (when Eren was 9 she was 12) .

Erika went to enlist in the military a little after having met Mikasa to see the world outside the gates, she didn't want her nor did she want her little brother and new little sister to be entrapped in these walls. By the time she graduated her military training though it was already too late, she couldn't help save her mother from her fate.

Shiganshina had fallen. She felt ashamed, ashamed that she never said goodbye to her mother face to face, ashamed that she left Eren and Mikasa all alone. 2 years after the fall of Shiganshina she graduated top of her class and made it to the survey corps little did she know her siblings were following her footsteps in joining the military. 

What happens next?

Find out next time.....

Hope you enjoyed      

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