Chapter 7

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I don't know what I would have done if it wasn't for Tyler saving us. "Alpha, they're waiting for you in the conference room. Lightwood Pack is already here." "I'll be there in a few minutes." His dad said not leaving Adam's gaze. He turned to look at me and then to Adam. "At least she doesn't look like a whore" he said and then left.

I could sense that Adam was mad, he was giving off that energy. He stayed frozen in spot. He was breathing heavy before he took a deep breath and turned to me. "Let's go" he said in a deep voice. I didn't know where we were going but I'm guessing it was a place where he could let off some steam.

We were walking through the woods, I decided to break the silence between us. "You ok?" I ask, looking at him as we walk. He takes a deep breath before he answers me. "He's just hard to work with". He says looking at me and he stops. I turn around to face him.

"He's mad because I don't go to those stupid meetings" he rolls his eyes. He sighs and runs a hand through his hair. "It's always the same thing, trying to teach me his ways, trying to make me be like him. When he's gone and I'm Alpha I'll know how to be a good Alpha. I have my ways and I do pay attention to people. It's not like I'm gonna forget about the pack house and let them all die." He says and I believe him. The look on his eye says it all, his father doesn't trust him. At all. "Have you talked to him?" I say taking a closer step to him.

He scoffs. "A million times. But he doesn't listen to me. Never has, never will." He leans against a tree and looks into my eyes. "I'm sorry he said that to you. I should've said something, I shouldn't have kept my mouth shut."

"It's ok, really." Even though it was not ok and I was totally pissed off when his dad insulted me I knew I couldn't say anything either. But I don't blame him, his dad is the Alpha, even he has to show respect towards him. "No, it's not." He says snapping me from my thoughts. "I can't let people go around calling you names." He leans away from the tree and steps in front of me. I now see how tall he is, his beautiful eyes hold so many stories. I still have a lot to find out about him but I'm willing to wait.

He locks his eyes on mine and I find myself being hypnotized by them. I look down and ask him the question that's been going on my mind for the past 2 days. "Why did you mark me?" I ask in almost a whisper, I don't wanna make eye contact so I keep my eyes glued to the floor. "Because you're my mate." He says as if it's the most obvious thing in the world. "No. Why did you mark me?" I say, still not looking at him.

He takes another step closer to me and my heart starts beating fast. He puts his hand on my cheek and my heart flutters at the action. He makes me look into his eyes and I realize how close we are. Close enough that if he lowers his head just a few inches more he's gonna be kissing me.

Once again I'm hypnotized by his eyes. "You don't go unnoticed at school, Riley. Your different from other girls. You have your own little world, you could care less about Alice yet you never say anything to her. You don't care about shopping, you care about wether the chemistry test is on Tuesday or Wednesday. You're nice, you're smart, you can have a million problems going on with your life and you put others first instead of you. And you're so beautiful, Riley. You're so beautiful and you don't even know it." As I hear him say all this things I can't help but think that this is dream. It's like I'm waiting for someone to splash water on my face and see that it was all just a dream. But it's not, I'm here in flesh and skin and Adam Parker is standing in front of me, cupping my face with his hands. His thumb stroking my cheeks as he says all those things to me.

I know I'm blushing like crazy and all I can do is just stare into his amazing eyes. He glances at my lips and I unconsciously bite my bottom lip. He smirks a little and starts to lean in. I find myself closing my eyes as he gets closer to me, I can feel his minty breath on my lips.

Just a little bit closer.

"Adam!" Our head snap in the direction of the voice. Tyler. Thanks a lot, Tyler. You picked the best moment. Adam takes a deep breath and retrieves his hands, I instantly miss the feeling of his hands. Tyler approaches us, ruining our moment. "It's your dad" Tyler says to Adam. He sighs and scratches his forehead. "What does he want now?"

"Actually, he wants to talk to Riley." I'm taken aback at what Tyler says. Adam's dad wants to talk. To me. As far as I know I haven't done anything wrong. I look at Adam and he looks at me and then we look at Tyler. "He wants to talk to me?" I ask Tyler, I'm not sure I heard him well and I'm pretty sure Adam feels the same way as me. Confused.

Tyler nods. "He said something about wanting to talk to her alone, about how things run here." Adam gives him a questioning look and Tyler starts to fidget. Is he hiding something? "Fine" Adam says. "But I'm going with her." Tyler nods and Adam looks at me and I give him a small nod, indicating that it's ok with me. And soon we made our way back to the pack house.


Well, well, well, look who updated. This girl did!! Insert happy dance.

Guuyyysss I'm already on chapter 7!! Omg I'm so excited, people have been reading my book and it's so amazing how I get all this ideas! I'm not sure how long it's gonna be but I don't think it's gonna be 50 chapters. But I guess it all depends.

Thank you guys so much! Make sure to tell your friends about my book and hit follow so you know when I update! See you on the next chapter!

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