Chapter 35

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Emily's POV

The Next Day 

I was brushing my teeth when Skyler was siting down on her bed staring at me with laser focused eyes. I spit out the toothpaste and rinsed my mouth. "Yes, Skyler?" I sighed getting a little bit irritated with her game. "I don't know what game your playing, but Tyler's with me not you." She said crossing her arms. "I can honestly say I have no idea what you're talking about." There's no way she heard me and Hailey talking, there's simply no way. "You two looked pretty closed yesterday, wanna tell what that was about?" She said standing up in front of the door to the bathroom. Great, she's the jealous type. 

"Not that it's any your business what we were talking about, but you have nothing to worry about. It's not like that." I tell her praying that she doesn't ask anymore questions. I was wracking my brain trying to find an excuse that could save me from trouble, but the truth was I knew nothing about their relationship. I did my best to stay away from it to save myself the heartache. Skyler raised her eyebrow and I knew she didn't believe me and right then I came up with a great idea. I rolled my eyes and gave her a serious look. "He was asking me about what to get you for your birthday." I remembered that Skyler's birthday was in two months and every good boyfriend wants the best for their girlfriend, right? She stared at me for a little while before a smile crept up her face. "I knew it!" She said turning away from the bathroom door and laying face up on her bed. 

I gave her a confused look as I went to the closet to look for a fresh pair of clothes. "What?" I asked. "Well, me and Tyler have been having a few problems but I knew he wouldn't go behind my back for another girl. And he most definitely doesn't like you, so I knew it had to be something about my birthday." She said in a happy tone.

Gee, thanks, Sky. 

A part of me asked if maybe she was true, maybe Tyler didn't like me at all and I was imagining things. It would make sense why we were always interrupted whenever we were having a moment, maybe it's just not meant to be. Maybe he just really likes Skyler and he thinks I'm a good friend. Maybe she was right, maybe he doesn't like me at all and I've been looking at it all wrong. I pushed those thoughts away and picked out black high waist jeans, a maroon sweatshirt and my black converse and I went into the bathroom to change.

"Sounds  about right." I tell her ignoring the pain in my heart. "Alright, I feel better. I'm gonna go out, okay?" She said through the door. I told her okay and proceeded to change. Once I was done, I stared at myself in the mirror and the more I looked the more I could see why Tyler was with Skyler and not me. She had perfect blond  curly hair, while mine was straight brown. She beautiful hazel round eyes, while mine were a boring brown almond shaped. She knew how to dress while I tried to avert the attention from me as far away as possible. 

I was boring, I didn't have many friends while she was a social butterfly. I pushed  people away while she invite more people into her life because who wouldn't like her? I took a deep breathe and walked out of the bathroom. Just as I opened the door to leave my room there was Tyler. Time suddenly stopped when he was standing in front of my door. My heartbeat picked up it's pace and what Skyler said came to mind. 

He most definitely doesn't like you. 

"Hey." He said first flashing me a smile. If I wasn't holding the door, I would've melted right then and there. "Hi." I said in a small voice. I cleared my throat and spoke again, making sure that I wasn't gaping like a fish. "What are you doing here?" I ask not being able to move. He scratched the back if his head and a small tint of pink appeared on his cheeks. "I was actually looking for you." He said while putting his hands inside of his pocket. "Oh." I said not knowing what else to say. "Well, Adam needs to talk to us actually." He says after my silence. "Wait, doe he know?" I ask remembering how he said that if Adam found out it could all go to waste. "No, or at least I don't think so." Tyler said reassuringly. 

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