Chapter Nine

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I'm on an update role.......

Carefully, I stood up and asked Adrien to open the door for me. The baby wriggled in his blanket, but I kept a strong, but soft, grip.

Alaya lay in the hospital bed, a small bedside lamp next to her and a baby girl in her arms, Nino had the other baby girl.

"Congratulations!" I gave her a huge smile. "I would give you a hug, but my hands are full!"

"Thanks, I'm so pleased their here at last. You look like a natural with Ben."

"Cute name, I chose that one, right? I thought you liked Morgan?"

"Yes, but I reconsidered with Nino. He has Ellie, and this is Lauren."

My smile grew. I realised both Adrien and Nino were asleep, so I said goodnight to Alaya and left quietly, leaving Ben in the special glass cot.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *  * * * *

"Morning sleepy head." I whispered to Adrien. He stirred in his sleep.

Alaya had changed into some loose clothing and prepared the babies into cute matching babygrows.

He woke up with a jerk.

"Oh, hey, Mari, Alaya." He stretched out. "You know whats confusing me, I heard a nurse say something about it being lucky Alaya was already here. But Alaya said nothing about an appointment yesterday. Why were you already here?"

I was going to give Alaya a look, but I didn't bother. I guess now he would find out.

"Well- how about you ask Marinette." She coaxed me.

"Ok... well, the real reason we were already here- was because I was getting a check up... because..." I looked at Alaya. She nodded. "Because were having a baby. In nine months." I breathed out, feeling like a huge weight just fell from my shoulders.

Adrien's eyea widened. Almost expressionless.


Adrien walked up to me and clasped my face in his palms, leaned in close and kissed me.

"This is incredible." And when we pulled away he took my hand and we silently walked away.

Adrienette AdulthoodWhere stories live. Discover now