Chapter Eleven

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Sorry about time skip, but Marinette will be having more than one baby later on in the story and I will spread it out more.

I woke up with a tight feeling in my stomach.

I brushed it off, knowing it wasn't time for him or her to arrive yet, and I other things to think about, my birthday was today, for example.

"Happy birthday, Marinette!" Alaya threw herself into the room. "I have a birthday present for you and me, Nino and I are moving out, we finally can actually go and live there! More room for you!"

I sat up and felt the baby kicking, but I didn't want to change the subject so I pulled the covers over myself a little more.

"Thats fantastic, you can get the triplets settled in, we can visit you. When do you plan to go?"

"As soon as your baby is born." Alaya said, I guess she wouldn't be here long then.

Alaya left the room and told me to come downstairs when I was ready. I lifted the covers and rocked my stomach in my arms as if the baby was here already. The kicking stopped after a while, hopefully meaning he or she was sleeping.

I stumbled into the bathroom, showered, then dried my hair. I take the beautiful dress and pull it on, over my bump.

It was a lovely nitted winter shirt dress, which sat just below my knees. The stiching was so unique and warm I knew it would be just right.

I slowly walked downstairs and felt a wave of emotion at the incredible time and effort that must have been put into making the room look so lovely. Streamers hung from the walls, glitter covered the table that was laid out with china plates and plenty of avocado fruit salad, my cravings favourite.

"Oh, its amazing. Thank you so much." I told Adrien, Nino and Alaya who were all waiting expectantly at the bottom of the stairs.

Adrien walked forward and took my hand, leading me to a chair next to his. We sat and ate, chatting happily.

At the end of the meal, the baby started kicking, I took Adrien's hand from under the table and rested on my bump so he could feel the tiny thudding feet. I saw his smile grow and we both left the table to sit on the sofa, Alaya and Nino dissapeared off suspiciously, but I tried to not make myself anxious. 

Adrien stood up and rummaged for something in his pocket, whilst doing so he got down on one knee infront of me, then presented an open box with a small, glittering opal ring.

"You asked for something pretty, so I picked this up. But you can only have it under one condition. Marinette, will you marry me?"

Miraculously(no pun intended)my day suddenly became the happiest one of my life.

"Yes! Of course!" I cried and fell into Adrien's open arms.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Alaya and Nino thundered in with their arms full of gifts.

I widened my eyes.

"I hope those are not all for me, I couldn't accept so many!" I laughed.

"Well, a majority of them may be for the baby..."


Alaya was right. Almost all of them were for the baby, but I'm not complaining! There was one, wrapped in thick, glittery paper, labelled from Nino and Alaya that was for me. I opened it carefully, savouring the special paper. A pink, heart shaped diary sat in the centre of the paper.

"I thought you should start diary writing again, I know how mu...-"

I had stopped listening. Excitement was replaced with fear as a spark of sharp pain stabbed at my stomach. It was agonizing, I have never felt pain so strong.

The diary fell from my fingers and I had to grip the sofa to stop myself screaming out in pain. I heard a thud as the diary hit the floor. My vision was hazy and blurry. I couldn't make sence of any words that were being spoken, if any were, that is. Blurred figures were moving around me.
Another electrical shot of pain tore at my stomach, causing me to completly zone out.

Sirens. Bright lights. Talking. Mumbling. Slamming. Engines roaring to life.

"Marinette! Marinette, wake up!"
"She might not make it, sir, we can only hope from now that she wakes up."

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