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The drumming of the rain drops against the windowsill wakes me up from my deep dreamless slumber. I fell asleep in the Don's bed. My throat has this familiar dryness from screaming and crying and it craves for water to soothes its dryness. I feel so completely numb and worn out. A lone tear drops to my cheek as I slowly accepts the fact that this is how my life is going to be now: abused.

My lower half is still naked and I try to look for my underwear from my limited position. There isn't any presence of him in his room so I guess I should leave now.

"Don't move from this bed, you hear me Lisa?"

Oh yeah he strictly ordered that. My neck feels strained from my position so I carefully turn my body sideways. I hiss in pain as I move with my ass feeling so sore and bruised. Ofcourse, after he unforgivingly hit your ass for fifteen times without even restricting his force it is inevitable that I can't walk properly for a few days.

Where is he? How long was I been sleeping? It felt like hours.

My thoughts are answered when I hear the light tud of his boots hitting the carpet floor. I can tell he's outside the room. I hear his raspy voice and it seems furious talking to someone. I can't really comprehend what they're talking about due to the thick walls of his room.

I hear the shuffling of the door's knob so like the coward that I am, I hurriedly goes back to my original position and pretends to be asleep.

The door slowly opens and my ears perks at the sound of his footsteps. My body automatically tensed as the sound of his footsteps grows nearer.

"Lisa.." His voice soft now in contrast of how his vicious voice snarled at me when his palm collided to my skin earlier.

I don't want too see his face. If I do that, it will break me. I hate him so much that even seeing his face makes me feel sick.

I feel him sigh as I continue pretending to be asleep. I hear his phone rings. I remember he has a different phone compared to us. It is flat, thin and rectangular. It resembles a transparent glass that illuminates whenever he touches it.

I hear him answers the call in a low tone. His voice grows weaker and farther until I can't hear him anymore. I think he's inside the bathroom now making my body relaxes in this moment of relief. Few minutes has passed and I'm almost at the brink of sleeping again when he goes out of the bathroom. The fresh smell of shaving cream and the masculine scent of his body wash reach my nose.

He took a shower.

My senses resume to being alert, trying to assess his next move. I hear him speaking again to his phone and now his voice sounds so clear like he's just standing near me.

"Why the hell is he coming here?" His voice is low and quite as if he is controlling it to avoid waking me up.

"When?..What today!?" His voice is now loud, frustration clear in his voice.

"Make sure he won't see her. Heighten the security. Don't let her leave the mansion." He orders.

Who is coming here? Why do they need security? Who is the girl they're talking about?

"I swear if something goes wrong again, I'll make sure the consequence will be so bad." He threatens. I roll my eyes under my closed lids. I swear he's a bully. It reminds me of some president here in America long time ago. Was it Crump? It didn't end well I remember, I read it from the history book that my father had in his tiny room he called library. My father loved to read and I did too when he was still alive. And just like how his last breath ended, my love for reading did too.

Now we don't have presidents. We have rulers. Some says we are fortunate we have the Styles as the rulers, others says we aren't – I belong to the latter.

RESTRAINT | H.S. AU (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now