Author's Notes

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Restraint is now finished and it honestly made me feel accomplished completing book one. I promise to find time and edit all the chapters to make it better so it will be worth rereading. 😅

I am so grateful for all of your support, no words can express of how I'm happy I am right now. I can't name you all but from the bottom of my heart a massive thank you to each one of you. ❤️

To all my active readers who voted and shared their thoughts and left comments in the story, you guys always make my day! I really enjoy reading all your thoughts, sentiments and ideas about the story. It's actually the best part I swear.

To my silent readers, thank you so much too. I understand that some prefers to read a story straight to avoid distraction and read it offline but still I'm grateful. 😊

You guys deserve an applause for waiting patiently for my updates. Even though I make updates slow, you guys still continue to read my story so thank you for not giving up on me and for not forgetting and deleting my story.

I hope Lisa and the Don's story entertains you and gave you a whiplash of emotions. It's honestly an obsession of mine to trigger your emotions frequently. Did I? I hope I did. 😄

So the sequel entitle VOLITION is now available and I hope you'll save it into your library. You can check my profile to find it. The intro and list of characters is now available and the first chapter will be available later.

Here's the link

And I know the last chapter got some of you confused but don't worry all of your questions will be answered in the sequel. I already gave a lot of hints and some of you guessed it right. I'm honestly not happy in how I wrote the last chapter so I will come and edit for sure and I may add some small changes.

So keep reading guys! The ride will get even more bumpier this time.

Oh btw, expect a different Don in the sequel. 😍 (*hint hint*)

Love lots,

RESTRAINT | H.S. AU (Editing)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat