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After the initial shock of Jennifer's death, we decided to go to Lux's house again to see if we could find anything out about the whereabouts of her son.

"I doubt he's gonna be there, I mean, the first time we talked to Lux she said she wasn't particularly fond of James." George said, reminding us about the first conversation we had had with Lux.

"True, but we might as well try. You never know. right?" I replied

"Yeah, but why are we so sure about James, I mean what if it was Lux? She was always too...nice." said George.

"Oh can it. you're just grumpy because I ate the last cookie at her house the last time we were there."

"Are you calling me fat?"

"Are you calling me an asshole?"

"You are an Ass-"

"Hey!" Lockwood interrupted, don't talk to Lucy like that!"

"Damn... lockwood's being possessively sweet." Laughed the skull, making me glare at my bag which probably made The Boys uncomfortable.

"Hey! I can stand up for myself you know!" I told Lockwood harshly, making him hold his hands up in surrender.

"But Lockwood she can talk to me like that?" George butts in.

Lockwood just shrugs.


When we had finally left the train, we were practically thrown to the ground by a large man. After taking a look at me and realizing that the man had hit me hardest of all, Lockwood's face turned cold and he got up and ran after him. Figuring he would do something stupid, me and George got up to follow him.

"Hey man, what the Hell?" We heard Lockwood say.

"You weren't fast enough."

"So? Do you know who we are? We're-"

"Lockwood and Co? A puny little agency who tried to take on the case of the murder of that old homeless woman? Yeah, I do know you."

"Stalker much..." I mumbled under my breath.

"Lucy, you're being watched. I don't know by who, but it's seriously creeping me out. I can sense it." The skull said to me, making me roll my eyes.

"We'll talk about this later okay? let's deal with the matter at hand first." I whispered back.

"No, Luc-"

"Shut up." I hissed, interrupting him.

"So you're saying that you know who the victim was?" George questioned.

"No. I only saw what she looked like." The mystery man replied.

"Wait... who even are you." I asked, ignoring the people jostling me around trying to get to their destinations.

"I'm Hill, James Hill." He said  casually.

At this, Lockwood swung his head around looking for an exit, eventually grabbing James by the neck [James was tall, but Lockwood was taller] and lead him towards a deserted café.

Once seated and ordered, Lockwood got straight to the point.

"Why did you kill her?" He not so nicely inquired.

"I didn't kill anyone."

"Then who killed the homeless woman?" George pushed.

"Oh, I have no clue. All we found was the woman's body. Although, she did have a missing foot. We found her recently." He replied.

"What about your wife?" I quickly added.

"I Loved her!" He practically yelled. "I would never kill her..." He said, slowly breaking out into tears.

"Don't worry, we'll find her murderer." I tried to console him.

"Sure you will. All you'll probably do is make it worse, but Jennifer was all I had, so go ahead." He mumbled sadly.

Imagine this scene in your head. A grown man breaking down in front of three agents, one fat, one tall, and one who talks to a ghost in a jar. I know, sounds pretty crazy, huh? Which is probably why this next thing happened.

The manager rushed out of the office, and ran straight towards us.

"You need to leave. Now. Quickly. Go, go home, go on a case or something, but you need to leave before he sees her." The lady says, pointing towards me.

In all of her rushing to get us out of the shop, we had no time to ask who 'He' was.

"I suppose I'll just give you guys my number, and you can contact me for more information." Said James, making sure we got on the train safely much like a father would do.


"I swear someone was watching you Lucy. And it even creeped ME out, and have you seen what I look like?" The skull kept pushing into my head after we had gotten back to 35 Portland Row.

Lockwood was slouched out on his armchair reading a gossip magazine, I was cross-legged on the couch, reading an old mystery novel I had found on the bookshelf, and George was eating something on the ground near the coffee table.

"Hey Lockwood? The skull keeps telling me something was watching me..." I said, deciding I was disturbed enough to bring it up.

"Probably just some old pedophile. They have plenty of those in this part of town." George replied, not even looking up from the box of cookies he had purchased from the trolley on the train.

"That would explain who 'he' is. Just some old pedophile." Lockwood added.

"But why would that manager have been so worried." I asked cautiously.

"Well, you're a pretty young woman, and that's what some pedophiles chose to... pedophile over." Lockwood supplied.

"Did you just call me pretty?" I inquired.

"Yup." He said, popping the 'P'. "And I meant it too, sweetheart." He finished, getting up and walking out of the room, ignoring George's guffaws and my shocked expression.

"I think he just winked." The skull included.



I am so sorry I haven't updated in like a month... *insert lame excuse here*

No but seriously, i'm being pounded with school work, and my Grand father died recently so...

Well, anyways, this may have been a filler chapter, but I promise that the next one will be a lot more...interesting... hehe

Locklyle, George, and a Haunted Coffee Shop.Where stories live. Discover now