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"Caleb shut up, don't ruin her moment." Candice scolds.

"Jeez I'm just saying."

I don't focus on anything they're saying.

How the hell could I?

I was marrying the man I love in under an hour.

Oh god.

I can't do this.

"Yes you can Nora, it's just a case of cold feet." Candice says coming up behind me and laying a hand on my bare shoulder, providing comfort.

Did I say that out loud? I probably did.

I didn't make much sense in all my worrying, the haze surrounding my entire being made it so difficult to even bloody think straight.

Was I doing the right thing?

Did I want to marry him?

Was he the man of my dreams?

"I can see those pretty little gears in your head turning babe," Caleb says from behind me, "like I said ten minutes ago: if you want me to distract everyone while you be the little runaway bride, I won't think twice. I've got your back love." He says giving me a comforting smile.

The thought did slip through my head once or twice but I couldn't.

Alexander was the man I love, the man I wanted to spend the rest of my days with and beyond that eternity.

I was stupid not to go through with this.

"Ignore him Nora," Stella says though I can see she's trying not to laugh, "everything will be fi-"

Just then the small brides room door swings open as a huffing David enters into the room.

"He- he," worry courses through me as David tries to catch his breath.

What the hell is going on?

"Alexander's ran away."

Groaning I can't help but to roll my eyes.

My body lays completely awake as I stare up at the blank white ceiling, my breaths coming out in short puffs of exhaustion.

A soft sigh emits from somewhere in the room as a strong arm wraps around my waist, pulling me into a warm bare chest.

"Did you have that dream again?" Comes a raspy voice.

I merely nod my head, my nerves making it difficult to even think straight let alone speak.

"I'm starting to think I should feel offended how you you think I'm going to walk out on you and leave you at the alter." Alexander mumbles into my hair.

Every day for the past I don't know how long, I've been having dreams well more like nightmares of Alexander walking out on me on the day of our wedding.

I can't believe I had it today of all days.

"You know we're getting married today right?" Alexander jokes.

Looking at him, I pout in dismay.

"Don't laugh at me." I say sadly.

"I should be the one upset, you don't even trust me."

Even though Alexander was trying to be serious, his wide grin couldn't be stopped.

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