Well, Things Got Worse (chapter 5)

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Casey's POV

That night as I laid in the bunk above Carol I couldn't sleep.  I tossed and turned but something wasn't right.  Carl, I don't want to fight with him, I hate it.  He's the only way I can sleep, but he's angry with me.  Something just doesn't feel right, and not just about the Carl thing.  I feel sick to my stomach like something bad is happening.

My eyes slowly drifted away, not tonight insomnia, not tonight.  As I slept imagines of walkers in the prison flashed threw my head.  It was to quick to see if it was anyone I know.  I then heard gun shots and blood splatter.  I heard crying, Judith crying.  I ran everywhere in the darkness following the cries.  But she was no where to be found.

I woke up and realized she was actually awake and crying, it was about four.  No one would be awake for another hour, so it was just me.  I went over to Judith and rocked her to stop crying then fed her.  I got that feeling again, the feeling like something bad was going to happen.

I set down Judith and grabbed a gun I wasn't  supposed to have, but did.  I put my whip by my side and walked around the blocks.  When I got to one I heard what we fear most.  I couldn't tell if it was real or not, but I still ran.  I ran inside and saw blood everywhere, no one was awake yet there were at least six walkers out here.  I shot one in the head waking people up.

"Everybody get out of here, hurry!" I yelled.

Screams filled the air as people stormed, Rick and some others came in with their guns and started shooting them.  I helped people out while also killing. 

"What the hell happened?" Rick yelled at me.

"I just saved a bunch of people, that's what happened."

"Where did you get that gun from?"

"Oh, so half a block just died and you want to know where I got a damn gun from, God Rick." i groaned.  "I'm a big girl, I am not afraid anymore.  Hell I never was."

"Shes right Rick." Glenn backed me up.

"Just clear out this place." Rick walked away and I smirked to myself.

I looked at the bodies and saw one of them was Patrick, he was my friend.  But I guess he wasn't as lucky as the rest of them.  I looked up and saw Carl from a far looking at the body.  He looked at me and walked away.

I was debating on if I should go after him or just, stay away.  I'll just stay away he doesn't need me.  And I, I guess I don't need him.

Emptying the cell block was the worst.  These people were my friends, I guess.  I didn't get to know most of them personally.  But they did not deserve to go out like this.  A few hours later I collapsed onto my bunk out of breath.

"Casey, come with me." Carol said. 

"Alright, where are we going?" I asked.

"Just follow."

We walked to a table outside and sitting at the table was Maggie, Beth, Michonne, Lizzie. Mika a picnic basket and cups of something.

"What is that?" I asked.

"Tea."  Michonne replied.

"Where do you find tea?"

"I don't know, we just came across it." Maggie laughed.

"So its the end of the world, lots of people just died, and you are having a picnic with tea?"  I asked.

"Sometimes we all just need something normal."  Beth said smiling.

"Nothing is normal anymore."  I said sitting down.

Rick's POV

I hope J wasn't one of those people who died. He hid somewhere in plain sight blending in with the others. If he was one of those people, I lost the hope I have left for me and everyone. He was really the one running this place. Leaving notes on how to make things better. Whoever this man is, changed the lives of all these people.

He was the one there when I was in the hospital. Even before I was technically in the apocalypse he was there. It was like a friend that was invisible.

J kept us all together.

Casey's POV

I looked at the two girls, Lizzie and Mika. Their father just died and here they were eating sandwiches. And they looked up to Carol as if she was, their mom. Which brought memories back to Sophia. The little red haired girl who I chased through the woods hoping to save her life but she still ended up dead. When I think about it because of her we met Hershel and the Greens.

We found this place together. Maggie and Glenn are in love, all thanks to Sophia and her clumsiness. I barely knew her, just when we were with Jenner. I forgot about him. The scientist who could've found a cure but decided suicide was better.

And Jackie, I didn't talk to her much but if I did, I bet she would be great. Thinking back to all the people we have lost, I hope not to loose another. Because in the time being people will die. We just hope they won't but in the end they always do.

Andrea, Dale, Meryl, T Dog, Patrica, Jimmy, Otis, Sophia, Jackie, Shane and Lori. Their deaths made us who we are, where we are.  Judith would not be here if it wasn't for Lori.  We would not have this big community if it wasn't for Andrea.  Carl wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for Shane and Otis.  T Dog saved Carol, we all save each other.  And in the end I save them, hopefully.

My immunity is just one blessing of a curse.  A little girl who is not so little now grew up with the pressure of saving people.  When she should have been playing with Barbies she was learning how to use a gun.  When she should have been watching tv, she was stitching up wounds in a summer camp she didn't want to be at.

Life was to much for a thirteen year old girl who grew up with a normal family.  My family is gone and I survived, me the youngest.  They turned so fast, they're screams.  My brother biting me, my father running.  My father, oh he could still be out there.  He could be living amongst the walkers.  Life is just a balancing act, and though some of us fall we keep walking until we make it to the end.  Because when you think about it. I'm just that immune girl.

How to know if your a horrible person, you don't update in months!  Wow I'm so sorry!  But hello my Immunies I hope you enjoyed this chapter.  It was kind of just a little of track at the end and that's only because before I write a chapter I watch the episode. And I haven't watched the episode for this one in months so if forgot and didn't feel like stalling another hour. So I kind of made it just like a sum of everything.  The song is Not Afraid Anymore by the amazing Halsey! Please vote and comment!  But really comment I love reading them!  And thank you guys so much for reading this lol it started off fast and bad but things got better with my writing I hope. Well anyways I'll update as soon as I can.
PS I'm almost finished with the book I'm writing.  I'm creating a personal page for myself where I will publish it.  Right now it has about two hundred something pages, so that's going to be a lot of chapters!  I will update on that later on.
Love you guys thanks for being patient.
Btw didn't feel like editing so there's probs mistakes :P

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