The Party (Chapter 22)

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Casey's POV

"A party? There's an apocalypse outside and these people are throwing a party?" I asked Carol and she chuckled nodding.

"Just a warning some of the ladies are planning to dress you up. Something about an honor having you here." She shrugged and I groaned rolling my eyes.

"Look at you Carol, what are you even wearing?" I asked looking at her floral sweater. She sighed and sat down in the dining room chair. I sat down next to her as she rubbed her head.

"I'm trying to convince these people that maybe I'm normal, just like them. I'm trying to seem innocent, lovable. I'm hiding the fact that I've killed, that I lost my daughter." I can understand why she's doing it. I'd try to do that too, but I think I've already got myself a bad name here. There is no going back now.

"What are we doing about the guns?" I asked and she smiled a little.

"I'm sneaking out of the party to go get some. I left the window unlocked so I can sneak in."

"I can help." I offered but she shook her head.

"People will notice if you're gone." What she said kind of hurt me.

She said it in a way that made it sound like she didn't matter, but she does. She saved us at Terminus, she's helped us, gotten us through hell and back. She kept Judith alive and that's all she had to do to be forever in my heart.

I checked on Jared, he was still the same no surprise. Maybe I need to check on him less, once a day maybe. I still have no idea why I'm attached to this boy. I've got my own boy, Carl, so why am I focusing on someone who's probably already dead?

As I walked down the street I watched some kids playing tag through the yards. They waved to me and I hesitantly waved back which caused them to run over. They were maybe around eight, two boys and one girl. I didn't want to be rude and walk away so I just stood there.

"What's on your face?" One asked pointing to my scars. I smiled a little squatting down to their height.

"It's a scar," I replied and they all mumbled a little whoa. The little girl put her hand up reaching for my face. "You can touch it if you want." They all smiled widely trailing there hands on my face in awe.

"Can I have one?" The little girl asked and I shook my head chuckling. I stood up and they frowned.

"You don't want one, sweetie. It hurts if you get one."

"Did the bad men outside do it to you?" The taller little boy asked.

Is that what they tell these kids? That there are bad men out there instead of flesh-eating walkers? I kept my mouth shut and just nodded.


Oh no. The fact I didn't recognize the voice made me wonder. I could tell it was a middle-aged woman, and she wasn't alone. I turned to see three of them smiling at me widely. I swear if these are the ladies Carol were talking about I'm going to make a run for it. Or I could attempt to be nice.


"Hi, I'm Rachel, this is Shannon and Kelly. I'm sure you've heard of the party this evening. We were wondering if you'd like to join us in getting ready." I put on a pained annoyed smile.

"Sure, I'd love to."

They lead me to a house that looked just like the others. Inside were a few more woman, some older some younger. They all cheered when they saw me. I just smiled and they sat me down in a chair. I didn't question where they would get makeup.

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