Chapter three

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I picked up another piece of rock, and watched it skip across the surface of the water as I chucked it.

I didn't remember how I got here, much less why. But here I was, surrounded by the musky smell of wet earth, the softness of grass, and the water shimmering under the setting sun.

A small part of my conscience knew that the guys must be looking for me-the missed calls proved as much. But a larger part of me, a much dominant one, couldn't go back. To him.

My phone rang again, a cheerful tone contrasting against my glum one.

"I supposed that you'd be here."

I whirled around, and Hoseok Hyung stood with his phone to his ear.

"I didn't hear you come." I said.

"Yes. You didn't." He replied. Sitting down beside me, he picked up a stone, and chucked in at the water. It skipped farther than mine ever did. "Want to tell me the reason why?"

Even the stones favored others more than me.


"Fine, then." He sighed. "I just hope the reason was worth disappearing."

"I didn't disappear." I disagreed. "You knew I was here."

"But no one else did. And I wouldn't tell them." He said. "I promised you as much."

It was strange seeing him like this. The always happy, joking hyung was suddenly so serious. It made me think that I'd done something terrible.

"I'm sorry. But I can't say that I won't do it again." I stated bluntly. "I would be lying if I did that."

"I know." He said, patting my knee. "I wouldn't force you."

I looked back towards the water, and chucked another stone at it.

"Look, I know what your.... problem is." He said.

My eyes widened as I looked at him in alarm.

"I won't tell anyone." He promised.

I relaxed-barely. "How did you know?"

"I just do." He said. "I see how you look at him. And I see how he looks at you."

My ears perked up. "How does he look at me?"

He smiled. "That's for you to find out. I've said more than I should've anyway."

I sighed, partly in sadness, and partly in annoyance.

"Come on." He said. "We should go."

We then went back to the dorm. I was still thinking about what Hoseok said.

As soon as I rang the bell, Jungkook opened the door, relief apparent on his face.

"Jimin. Where were you?"

But then, he hugged me.

He grabbed me by the arm, and pressed my body firmly against his own. His body, hard muscled and warm, which I had admired from afar, was against me.

I stood stiffly as he wrapped his arms around me, my own stiffly by my sides.

When he pulled away, my face felt uncomfortably hot. Everyone was looking at us.

Jungkook's own face went red as we looked at our hyungs. Everyone was apprehensive, only Hoseok Hyung had a knowing look in his eyes. What did I say? He seemed to say.

All of us stood in awkward silence, before hobi screamed.

"Come on! Let's go! Jin hyung, what did you make for dinner today?"

Everyone dissipated at the thought of food. Only Taehyung remained.

"Nice to have you back, Jimin-ssi."

And then he left too.

"What is up with him?" Kookie asked, voicing my thoughts.

"No idea." No one seemed to keen on mentioning the hug.

"We um." I gulped. "We should go back to the guys."


We quietly went back to the boys, laughing and eating just like we always did.

But with the day, I felt a spark of hope building in my heart.

Thank you for reading! And please keep on reading my story, guys! I love it when you give my story a chance.

I would also like to say that, if you guys don't mind, could you give my other BTS fanfic, Neighbors a read?

It's about a girl moving in to an apartment where Kim Namjoon is her very very friendly neighbor.

Thank you again!

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