Chapter 14

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"We should go now." Jimin said after a while.

"Okay." I got up, bringing Jimin with me.

"Wait. Let me go out first." Said Jimin. "They'll get the wrong – or right – idea otherwise."

"Hyung, I-" I said, taking his hands in mine. "I think I'm ready."

Jimin furrowed his brows "For what?"

"To tell everyone. About us." I said. Heat was rising rapidly to my cheeks, and I looked down to hide my reddening cheeks.

Jimin cupped my cheeks between both of his warm palms, and coaxed my face up to look at him. His face had split into the warmest, brightest smile I'd ever seen on his face, and it made butterflies dance in my stomach. "It's okay, Jungkook." He said. "Whatever you want,always."

He leaned up to peck my lips, softly. I tried to deepen the kiss, but he broke the kiss. "later." he promised.

The security officer standing outside was probably surprised at the sight of our hands clasped together, but he was professional enough to not say anything.

"The suspect and her accomplices have been removed from the premises."he informed us. "They are undergoing further investigation at the station."

"Thank-you, officer." I said. We both bowed our thanks. He bowed back."Is the rest of the group at the dressing room?"

"No."He looked a little flustered. "They went back to the dorms. We didn't want to disturb you so-"

"Right."Jimin said.

"You'll find a car waiting at the ground floor, along with your personal security." He said. "Although, I must warn you, there are some fans."

We nodded. We thanked him again, and called the elevator.


He should have told us that 'some fans' actually meant the parking lot full of pushing bodies and a few paparazzi. We surely didn't detach our fingers fast enough for the cameras to have not caught us.

The security parted the crowd for us, but they couldn't keep the questions from reaching our ears.

"Jungkook! Can you tell us why you both had stood back?"

"Jimin! Can you tell us what happened?"

I blocked most of it out, but I could see that they were bothering Jimin. I pulled him quickly by the arm, another something that the phones and cameras surrounding us couldn't have missed.

We got in the car, and the driver rolled through the crowd, honking the horn loud enough to injure their ears.

Jimin buried his face in his hands. "It's my fault." He said. "All of it."

"No it isn't." I said. "Cheer up, now. That bit-"

He peeked between his fingers to glare at me.

"Mean, that girl had some issues of her own. You didn't have anything to do with this."

"Okay."He said sullenly.


" I Said okay!" He suddenly yelled.

I jumped away from him in shock. I looked down at my fingers.

"I'm sorry." He said. "I shouldn't have. You were just trying to help."

"It's okay." I said. "You're under a lot of stress."

He smiled. A genuine smile, like the one he'd given me at the restroom.


"Are you sure about this?" he asked me.

"110% hyung." I replied.

He smiled. I loved seeing it.

"Let's go."


He typed the password to the keypad outside the door. After he was done,I heard the door make a soft click. He pushed the door open.

"You're early." said Yoongi hyung sarcastically as we entered.

"Yup."I said. "Always a pleasure to be the early bird."

Taehyung Snickered, but he looked with concern back and forth between me and Jimin.

Jimin nudged me with his elbow. I winced a little. I looked at him, and he widened his eyes as if to say "Go on."

"okay,so, Hyungs." I said. "We have a confession to make."

"About time." Jin laughed. Everyone followed. "What? You think we're stupid? We've seen since years how you two look at each other."

I didn't look at him, but I knew that he was as much a blushing mess as I was.

Hoseok hyung came up to us, looping an arm around both our shoulders. "So,when are you getting married?"

"Hyung!"We both yelled in unison.

"Just don't be gross." Said Taehyung. "We're still in the same dorm."We laughed.

"What are you guys going to do about media?" Asked Namjoon hyung.

"Yeah."agreed Yoongi Hyung. "And this isn't entirely legal in Korea."

I looked at Jimin, as he looked back at me. I couldn't believe that telling our band had been my biggest concern, while the actual concern was waiting probably right outside, or typing away at a computer screen, and hitting the post button.

Jimin reached for my hand, and gave it a little squeeze. He looked at me with a reassuring smile, and I knew. I knew then, that as long as I had him at my side, holding my hand in his warm and soft one, that we could make anything possible. We were two bodies with conjoined souls.




"You still don't have jams, do you?"

"Whatever. I was born in Busan first"


Thank you, everyone who has given this story a shred of your precious time that you could've spent watching BTS being derps. Thank you, from the bottom most muscle of my heart, for giving this story even a little bit of attention.

Thank You. Gamsahamnida. Gracias. Dhanyawaad. Anugrihitasmi. That's all the languages I can say thank you in.

I am really really sorry to cut this fanfic short at only 14 chapters but I have a terrible writer's block that won't just go away. 

I wrote this chapter as a farewell because I have no more creativity left. I can't think of anymore interesting ways to carry this story forward. I'd love to say that I'd had this story plotted before I began writing but that'd be a lie. I just wrote spontaneously, and it seems, that spontaneity has left me.  I'm sorry if you were disappointed. I really am.

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